Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Lexi Thompson

Quick Quotes

Q. (No Microphone.)

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, I came into the day having a sore throat, not feeling great, but -- and then dealing with my caddie just not being able to finish and it's tough. I mean, I was so worried about him and, I mean, it's so hot out there. I'm from Florida and I'm still not used to that bad of heat. But I just hope that he's okay and he gets the hydration he needs the nutrients tonight to go into the next few days. If not I'll figure something else out. I just want him to be healthy.

Q. When did you notice something was wrong?

LEXI THOMPSON: Number 15. Literally the hole that he stopped on. He just asked me, he's like, Do I look white to you? And I'm like, I didn't really notice, but, he just didn't look good. I just want him to be healthy, that's all.

Q. So he didn't mention anything until then?

LEXI THOMPSON: No. That's him. He like never quits. He's always asking about others before himself.

Q. Did he actually go down?

LEXI THOMPSON: No. He didn't go down. I just told him to sit down.

Q. Donna fills in for the last few holes today, but what do you do for tomorrow? It's kind of awkward with hardly anyone here.

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it will be, I mean, I hope that he gets healthy, but if not his health is the main concern right now. So if he can't, I'll just find a local, figure out how to read a yardage book. I had no idea the last few holes. I'm like, I really hope it's around that number.

Q. It worked out.

LEXI THOMPSON: Yeah, it ended up working out. His health is No. 1 so that's all that matters.

Q. Is there a part of the game that gets harder in heat like this?

LEXI THOMPSON: Probably concentration. Just because it is so hot you have to make sure that you get, you're drinking as much water as you can, making sure that you're feeding yourself and, because once you lose that, you lose all types of concentration and it just happens. So you have to just make sure you're hydrated, but other than that any part of the game's difficult in that heat for sure.

Q. When did you get the tattoo?

LEXI THOMPSON: Right after the Olympics in 2016.

Q. Are you worried about the blue and red sweat coming down?

LEXI THOMPSON: No, I was worried about it. I was like this is on the shirt, but I don't care. I wasn't worried about it.

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