Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Donna Wilkins

Quick Quotes

Q. Last time caddieing was when?

DONNA WILKINS: I caddied a few times, just helping out some friends, but I haven't done it much in this arena. One time a player's caddie wasn't there and I did carry it down the fairway to the third shot and then someone came out and took over at one of our events. But no, I don't normally caddy. The straps were a little off, but it was all good. So I was glad to be able to jump in and help. And my first concern was Jack to make sure he was okay and then I was happy to be able to jump on the bag.

Q. Were you there when it all happened?

DONNA WILKINS: Yes, I happened to be, I was between Nelly and Lexi watching a little bit and so I was, I happened to be there and I was, I gave him something when he said he didn't feel so good. I had someone of those electrolyte bottles and so he chugged that and it just was probably at that point he didn't have enough. So we'll do a lot of hydrating tonight for everybody.

Q. Are you advising in any way the number of drinks people should have, like how many holes you should?

DONNA WILKINS: I think everybody's a little bit different, but I think everybody's kind of learned a little bit of a lesson that water's just not going to do it, you got to have some electrolytes and possible salt tablets because you're sweating so much of the salt out and that's what makes you kind of feel a little bad. And it is really hot out there. So I can see, I can see it getting to anybody. So I totally get it. Like I said, I was just happy to be able to help.

Q. Did Jack say anything to you?

DONNA WILKINS: Yeah, we were talking behind the green and I was like, this is, I want to take care of him, that was all I was concerned about. He says, I think I can, I'm going to try to do it. So I went over to 16 and I said, get her a number and I'll take the bag. Obviously, I haven't seen the book, haven't seen the course, so, but she played well, good finish, so birdieing 15, 16 and 17, actual plea.

Q. What happens tomorrow if Jack can't go?

DONNA WILKINS: That's a good question. That's what we're going to talk about. So you never know.

Q. Feel like you're first alternate?

DONNA WILKINS: Yeah, they were all, some of the other teammates followed me across the way and said, What's going on? So it's all good though, we're just glad to be able to get it done, hope he's feeling okay and we'll just go from there.

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