Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Yuka Saso

Quick Quotes

Q. How did it go?

YUKA SASO: I'm thinking it was okay. I really had fun today. A lot of learning today.

Q. Your caddie, did that make a difference that you're playing with a new caddie?

YUKA SASO: Yeah, it feels different, but Coach Miko really helped me a lot today and he's really a fun person to be with. So, yeah, it was pretty okay.

Q. Were you missing Lionel's guidance?

YUKA SASO: I want him to rest. I want him to get better as soon as possible, so I'm not really wishing him to be here. It's too hot. I'm okay.

Q. With the conditions, were they difficult for you going to the next three rounds how do you think you can adjust?

YUKA SASO: I think I just have to focus on what I have to do to play better than today. I think that is pretty much it.

Q. What adjustments do you think you need to make for tomorrow given the conditions?

YUKA SASO: I think I just need to get used to the grass. It's not my favorite grass. So we'll see. I just have to go to the range and get back to work.

Q. (No Microphone.)

YUKA SASO: Yeah, we had a practice round I played with Julie, so yeah, it's really a beautiful golf course.

Q. How many times did you play with her?

YUKA SASO: Three rounds. Actually, no, two.

Q. So before the actual practice started here?


Q. You're super popular here in Japan?


Q. Yeah. Everyone says you're a rock star. Do you feel like you're playing in the home course?

YUKA SASO: I don't know. I've never really -- when we talk about home course that is where we practice for golf and this is not the golf course where I practice. So I don't know if I would call it I'm playing at home.

Q. (No microphone.)

YUKA SASO: The grass, I think. Like I said, it's not my favorite, so. There's so many grass. Bent grass. Here this is not my favorite grass.

Q. What is your favorite grass?

YUKA SASO: Not this. (Laughing).

Q. But you think you can come back tomorrow?

YUKA SASO: We'll see. We're all out here and to try and do our best, so it's not like I gave up today, it's just that just didn't go my way. So hopefully tomorrow I play better.

Q. Did you have any sense of sort of having been here quite a long time and watched the men and of almost over excitement to get out there and perhaps trying to push too hard to make things happen?

YUKA SASO: No, I don't really push myself too hard. I'm pretty, I'll just do what I have to do and I don't really like pushing myself too much, I'm just trying to enjoy and like I always say, I want to learn. This is a new experience for me, so and I've learned a lot too, so I hope for the next three days I can learn and enjoy the rest of the Olympics.

Q. Have you felt at all more famous since the Women's Open, the accomplishment bring anything different your life?

YUKA SASO: Private life nothing really changed. But like I said this yesterday, people call me now by winning the U.S. Women's Open, not by my name. So it's a little bit sad, but hopefully some day they can call my name, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111078-1-1044 2021-08-04 04:47:00 GMT

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