Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Mone Inami

Quick Quotes

Question: Take us through your round.

Answer: Some holes did not fit my eyes right today, which led to some mistakes. I also left some out there on the greens today. I could have scored a little lower if I did a better job of those two. But I had lots of fun today. It was nice that I was able to cap off the round with a birdie because it got me to under par.

Question: Talk about the par putt on 17th hole.

Answer: The par save on 17th was the biggest moment of today’s round. If I had bogeyed, I probably carried a bad momentum into the 18th and potentially caused me to drop another one. Instead, par save on 17th propelled me to end the round with birdie on 18th hole.

Question: Talk about the conditions of the greens compared to the last few days.

Answer: The greens were much firmer and faster compared to the last few days. I even felt there was a discrepancy with the practice putting green’s speed from this morning. In the beginning, I struggled to get the speed right on the greens and three-putted on 3rd hole. After 3rd hole, I was able to learn and make some adjustments.

Question: You hit a fantastic shot into 18th.

Answer: Yes, I hit it better than I thought I would.

Question: What are your thoughts on hitting the first tee shot this morning?

Answer: The fact that women’s golf was starting with my tee shot was really fun. I wasn’t nervous at all and was very happy to hit a nice tee shot.

Question: Were you able to enjoy the round?

Answer: There were few shots here and there that I felt could’ve done a better job of. But overall, I had lots of fun.

Question: You are currently at one under par. What are your thoughts heading into the next few days?

Answer: At this time, I am not sure what my standing would at the end of day. But I will focus on shooting a low round and climbing up the leaderboard.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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