Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Leona Maguire

Quick Quotes

Q. (No Microphone.)

LEONA MAGUIRE: I didn't get the height of my irons today, but I made some good pars when I needed to to keep the momentum going and keep myself in it, which was the most important thing on the first day. So stayed patient and it was nice to pick up a birdie at 17 and finish with a good par on 18.

Q. The heat? Are you used to that?

LEONA MAGUIRE: This is hot. It's hot for everybody. Even teeing off whatever it was 7:50 this morning it's hot. But I've done a lot of work with my team back at home and preparing for this so we knew it was going to be hot and so it's just a case of doing everything you can to keep cool. Fluids, shade, ice, whatever it takes to make sure you're sort of keep going. This is a marathon it's not a sprint. So making sure the energy levels keep up.

Q. Did you set any goals before this? Are you happy with your round?

LEONA MAGUIRE: I think it's fine for today. I don't see anybody getting away from it today. There's a few tricky pins there and it's set up longer than the men's like for us women, we have a lot longer clubs. So it's just a case of trying to take your chances on the shorter holes and there's some really tough par-4s out there that the par is a really good score. So I felt like I was a little unlucky in spots there was a couple of shots that were maybe a foot or two off and got punished for them. So hoping for a few better breaks tomorrow.

Q. Is it setup longer, do you know why?

LEONA MAGUIRE: You would have to ask whoever setup the course. I mean it's just a case of -- I mean we're used to going in with long clubs into the greens, but, yeah, I mean there's some of those pins you just have to sort of take your medicine and know where to miss it.

Q. Any shots you weren't happy with? The bunker on the par-3 is that what you were talking about. On 18?

LEONA MAGUIRE: On 18 there wasn't much I could do. It was already a tough lie back in the fairway and that's a tricky pin there with the water right there. 15 I felt like I hit a really nice shot in, just stayed up on top of the ridge and another like two inches and that would have been down beside the pin. 16 I thought I hit a great shot and just ended up in the bunker and had no shot. So it was just a touch off in places. But kind of fine things this afternoon and go again tomorrow.

Q. It's a much deeper field than the men's comparatively, all the top women are here. Are you happy with level par for first round? I know you didn't set a target but just what you're seeing around here?

LEONA MAGUIRE: I don't think you'll ever turn your nose up at level par. These are the best golfers in the world. I think there's only like two out of the top-30 that isn't here. This is good, the strongest field we'll get all year. So I mean you're going to have to play incredibly good golf to win this week to even get a medal this week. So, yeah, I mean I'm still, it's still only my first full year on the LPGA, there's a lot of girls that have a lot more experience under their belt than me. So I'm trying to do as well as I possibly can this week and if it's good enough for a medal it's good enough. And if it's not, I still have a big year ahead of me.

Q. When you're playing for your country does it feel different?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, this week you're playing for something bigger than yourself. You saw that with the lads. Saw that with Shane and Rory. And Rory particularly didn't see it until he was here and in the village and talking to the athletes and you're cheering for them, want to see them do well and in turn they want to see you do well. And yeah, it's just a bit different feel and I suppose representing your country is a great honor and to do it at the Olympic games is the biggest honor there is.

Q. Any different second time around, can you approach it differently?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I mean I suppose I probably am less in awe of everybody here. I'm focusing on myself a little bit more. These are the girls I play with week in, week out as opposed to in Rio they were the girls I watched on TV week in, week out. So it has a little bit of a different feel. But at the same time they're still just as good as golfers as they were five years ago, if not I would say the field is a lot stronger here this week than it was in Rio.

Q. What's village life like?

LEONA MAGUIRE: It's good. It's about an hour away, but it's nice to be part of that sort of team environment. Going to dinner with people and cheering people on and go see and watch the games on TV.

Q. (No microphone.)

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, we came back just after nine o'clock last night, so yeah, I mean there's a good, in Rio that was someone one of the things that struck me in Rio there was great camaraderie with the Irish team. Just a shame we can't watch any events this year and actually cheer people on in person, but you really get that sense that everybody wants to see everybody else do well, just as much as themselves.

Q. Did you pick up anything when you, I know you were here the weekend, watching the men's tournament. Did you pick up anything of value regarding the course or anything like that?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I mean I suppose the tees are different, it's kind of hard to see when you're outside the ropes and obviously they're hitting it a lot longer than we and coming into the greens with a lot more spin than we are. But yeah you just kind of watch them play and see how they do things and I mean they're the best golfers in the world so it was nice to watch them play.

Q. Without giving away state secrets, there's pictures of you talking to Rory on one of the greens. Did he give you any advice about anything?

LEONA MAGUIRE: No, we just were general chatting. Told me well done for my 61 at Evian and we were just chatting to him before. So I didn't want to get into his bubble too much, he had a round of golf to play. So, no, both the lads were very nice and yeah, I mean I know they both would have loved to have brought home a medal, so that was kind of the consensus with them leaving, trying to encourage myself and Stephanie to go one better than they did.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111080-1-1044 2021-08-04 04:58:00 GMT

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