Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Tiffany Chan

Quick Quotes

Q. You seemed to start so nicely on the first few holes. Birdie opportunity at the 2nd hole and then those horrible three holes in the middle. Can you tell me about it.

TIFFANY CHAN: Yeah it's just, I had a little pressure at the beginning, you know, it's still Olympics, still a little different atmosphere than on the Tour. I mean I always feel a little pressure on the first tee, I think that's normal for every golfer. But I think I handled it pretty well and then made a couple mistakes and just couldn't recover fast enough. I think the last couple holes I parred them all in. But I can definitely do a lot better the next three days. I just keep telling myself I ways all my chance or I gave up all my chances today and only ended up making a bogey. And I got three more days and it's just golf every day is a new day.

Q. CT Pan shot 74 the first day last week and the leader was a lot more under par and he got a bronze medal. So there's still lots to play for, isn't it?

TIFFANY CHAN: Yeah, yeah, for sure. You never know until the last day and the last hole and you could have shot 6-under the first day but not finishing the way you started. So it just the beauty of golf, right? That's why people are so into it and you know even for myself and the good thing is I'm still feeling very positive and I at the beginning of the week I told everyone that I'm very grateful to be here and I'm not going to give upright now, I still got three more days and I just am going to try my best.

Q. How was the heat out there?

TIFFANY CHAN: Actually beginning of the first few holes my shirt turned color. Like it was dark blue. And I looked at myself and I looked at my caddie I was like, Oh my God, I'm so gross. Because even I can see like all the like sweat marks and all that. And I was like, wow, this feels like Hong Kong. But I mean Hong Kong is worse than this, so I was telling the Hong Kong media that I wouldn't make that as my excuse because I have been in to hotter situations. It's more all like my mental and my physical or my technique that needs to be make a little bit of an adjustment and so hopefully the next three days I can do what I usually do and just play normal.

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