Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

In Bee Park

Quick Quotes

Q. First round done. As the defending gold medalist. You have to be proud of how you played today.

IN BEE PARK: I started off really, really good. I was really satisfied on the front nine. Just the back nine the putts didn't drop. A little bit disappointed the back nine, but overall play was I think pretty good, just the putter, just have to make more the next few days.

Q. Be nice to the putter again?


Q. How did you survive the heat, what was the strategy with that?

IN BEE PARK: I think it's just to survive. I don't have any strategy. Just drink a lot of water and relax and just burn everything that you have out here and then just go to the hotel and relax and recharge.

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111084-1-1044 2021-08-04 05:40:00 GMT

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