Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Jessica Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. How did you handle the elements of today?

JESSICA KORDA: Well I'm standing, so that's good. No, it was definitely probably the hottest I've ever been on a golf course and that's saying a lot. I've won in Thailand and I've won in Malaysia. This is a whole another beast of heat when you feel it radiating inside the cups, you know it's pretty hot out there. So just trying to stay present was the goal today and, yeah.

Q. Do you have like a particular protocol that you usually follow, look I need to drink X?

JESSICA KORDA: No, just keep trying to drink on every hole, drink your electrolytes, walk under an umbrella, find shade as much as you can and I would say try not to stress out but obviously we play a sport where stress is like the No. 1 thing. So, yeah, that's about it.

Q. What were your expectations for this course going into today and how did your expectations shape up?

JESSICA KORDA: Honestly, I didn't come in with any expectations. I didn't know I was going to be setup yesterday, we played the back nine and it was pumping 25 miles an hour by the end and so it wasn't much of a practice round, was it? So, yeah, that's kind of just, I tend to not come in with a ton and just try to play as best as I can with what's given.

Q. Now I think you're up for tomorrow what is your routine, what will you do between now and then to feel like you're in the best spot to compete?

JESSICA KORDA: I'm going to get treatment. I'm going to keep drinking some more electrolytes and try to stay as hydrated as possible. And I don't know, get off my feet, because my feet are swollen.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111088-1-1044 2021-08-04 06:36:00 GMT

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