Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. (No Microphone.)

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I feel like I had a lot of birdies, but a lot of bogeys as well. So if I can get rid of the bogeys then I would have posted a good score. So that's golf. I think I'm just going to take it day by day because it's so hot. Yeah, hopefully take the positives into tomorrow.

Q. You mentioned the heat. How was it?

MINJEE LEE: Oh, it was bloody hot. Yeah, it was really hot. I feel like I felt it most, I mean I felt it more today than any other days. Maybe because we were playing, I played 18 holes not the other day, I played nine. But I think everybody's in the same boat, so it's hot for everyone so I can't really complain, I guess.

Q. You almost holed out No. 12, I think it was.

MINJEE LEE: Oh, did I?

Q. I thought it was 12.

MINJEE LEE: All the birdies I made were really good birdies. Like I hit really good shots in, but obviously I made bogeys too, so finish with even, it's okay.

Q. How do you feel like the course played? Some are saying that it's played quite long. How do you find it?

MINJEE LEE: I think it played maybe a little bit shorter than the practice days. I'm not sure, maybe because a little bit more adrenaline. Maybe hit it a little bit further. But I don't think it, I mean the greens are soft but like the undulation in the greens is kind of tricky, so you can either be really close or really, really far away. So I just think you just got to play to your, I mean just play to your strengths around here and just take your medicine when you have to.

Q. You said birdies are great, bogeys not so much. I think the most birdies we have seen today is six. So you're in the mix, obviously. Is it just a case of come back tomorrow and minimize the errors?

MINJEE LEE: Oh, definitely. I think just the bogeys that I made I made really soft bogeys, so all of them were really soft. So maybe tomorrow just try and eliminate them or and then try and make as many birdies as I did today.

Q. Where do you put this as far as a start for you? Obviously you might like to be better, but can you be content with an even par to start?

MINJEE LEE: Yes and no. I mean, I have high expectations for myself, so I think that's why I'm so disappointed in the even par, but if you look at it overall I think it's probably not too bad of a start. So, yeah, I'm like 50/50.

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