Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Wei-Ling Hsu

Quick Quotes

How would you describe this 2-under start?

It was cool, I was a little nervous in the first two holes but I made a long putt on the first

hole and I said, okay, the game starts. I think this just feels different than the normal tour

tournaments. I had a really good start in the first six holes, shot five under. Just made a

three putt on seven but overall I hit it pretty good. A couple of misses into the bunkers and

the bunkers are really hard here. I was happy I shot under par which is always good but a bit

disappointed with how I finish. Three more days to go.

What has the Olympics experience mean to you?

It’s really different. I’ve been here since last Tuesday and we’ve been walking around the

village. It’s just so different. Because of Covid, people just hang out in the village. I feel like

all the athletes, they are like huge, and strong, and with so much muscle. I’m so different

than them. It was a nice experience. My roommate plays table tennis which is a different

experience to what I’m used to.

You must have enjoyed watching C.T. Pan win the bronze in the men’s golf?

That was amazing what C.T. did. I was practising here on Thursday and I think he shot like 3-

over and he is just amazing. He kept making birdies and in the playoff with seven people, he

played another four holes. I was able to be in there to watch him and recognise that

someone from Chinese Taipei was able make a bronze medal in front of me. I was able to

watch the ceremony and I was tearing in my eyes. I was so touched. It was just incredible.

It’s so touching every time someone wins a medal which is an inspiration to me.

Did you have your own Olympic dreams growing up?

I know this is the second time golf is back in the Olympics after over 100 years. I was very

honoured to represent Chinese Taipei and I was very happy for myself and to be able to

have this experience.

What do you think of the course and conditions out there?

On this course, you can see everything in front of you. You just have to be patient and have

good strategy on every shot. It’s very hot though. I felt like my heart and head was pumping

around, especially after the 13 th hole. It started to get really, really hot. I won’t be able to

practice immediately after this. We just stayed in the shade and use my umbrella as much as

I can. Lots of water too and don’t even think about it. Just try to play golf.

What would it mean if you can win a medal?

I never imagined that. That would be really cool as Chinese Taipei is doing well this year. I’ve

been watching every sport, table tennis, badminton and we got gold in weight lifting. The

moment I see them step on the podium, it’s very meaningful for everybody and for me too

even though I’m just watching on TV. If I can be on the stage holding the medal, definitely

my friends and family will be proud of me and I’ll definitely be proud of myself too.

I’m also rooming with the badminton player who got the silver medal so I’m like, can I check

it out? I’m like whoa, this is heavy and so thick. Oh my gosh, it was right in my hands. And I

want this to belong to me too. I really want it.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111090-1-1044 2021-08-04 06:38:00 GMT

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