Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. Not too bad of a start.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I mean I felt like I played a lot worse than the score. So to have even par pretty happy with. I have no idea where that's on the leaderboard. I wasn't really watching too much out there because it's only round one. But I missed a lot of greens and a lot of fairways today so I think that's something I got to fix on the range after this round. Hopefully, yeah, hit more on the next few days.

Q. So you were scrambling today?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it definitely felt like that. I honestly think I only hit eight greens, which is something I haven't done in a long time. So it was hard to concentrate out there in the heat so I think, yeah, keeping on top of my hydration tonight and whatnot.

Q. You mentioned the heat. How tough was it, I guess you were coming into the hottest part of the day to start with?

HANNAH GREEN: I think it's even more difficult because I come from Perth and we're in our winter. Not that it really gets that cold, but because it was rainy it was cooler than usual. I have to adjust to this and, yeah, I'm not the greatest in humidity, I'll admit that. I certainly feel it a lot more than I think others do. So I think I did a good job today with my hydration I just need to find the shade as much as possible but not with my tee shot.

Q. We spoke before hand obviously not a lot of golf in the lead up. How did you fool out there, a bit of rust?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I definitely felt the rust. I don't think I've ever been one to really get, have a great round the first round back. I think I've always kind of been the person that climbs on the weekend. So I hope tomorrow that I can hit more greens, hit more fairways and just make easy birdies and slowly climb up the leaderboard.

Q. You said it's only the first round. Is that the mentality you take, you're only five shots back, but still quite a bit of holes to play?

HANNAH GREEN: We still have 54 holes to play, I think seeing Rory Sabbatini and CT Pan last week have great rounds in the last day, they weren't really in it I would say probably the entire week. So you never know what can happen and I don't want to put too much pressure on myself because I think we all are chasing for a medal, so yeah, just making sure I stay patient and remember that there is a lot of golf left.

Q. How were the nerves beforehand and to be an Olympian?

HANNAH GREEN: Actually didn't feel too nervous I think I was just super excited because I hadn't played golf in so long and there's been so many wins for the Aussies, obviously in the Olympics but as well in golf all around the world. I was excited to get back out here. So now I can say I'm an Olympian and it's pretty cool, but I was a little bit nervous on the tee but not anything like -- I think it would be different if we had spectators.

Q. The third hole, the double bogey was frustrating and then I guess early on, but you managed to rebound.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I completely misread my first putt and then the second one same again. I had a short putt which I missed which was hard to feel confident in the rest of my putting the rest of the round, so that was kind of where my maybe the heat perhaps got to me and I didn't really concentrate as much as I should have so I hope yeah none of that happens for the rest of the tournament and I can feel a bit more confident with the putter.

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