Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. What measures did you have to take to try and keep yourself cool out there?

DANIELLE KANG: I definitely -- golf, it's an all-day sport. People forget that it's not just the four and a half or five-hour round, you got wake up early and do you warmups and exercises and all those shenanigans. So I definitely checked out at some points of the round today, but I just had to do a lot of self talk and remind myself who I'm playing for, what I'm playing for and the reason that I play. So sometimes it wakes me up. I just looked for shade at every possible point. I didn't even care where the bag was, I just walked away to look for shade.

Q. What was this morning like for you just trying to get yourself in the right mindset and the right space to come out here and compete?

DANIELLE KANG: I was, the words that I can describe like I was anxious, excited, nervous, it was just a lot of feelings and I actually had butterflies in my stomach and I never have butterflies. I never knew that something could make me feel like that and I guess it's the Olympic games, representing the United States, it's something that I can't explain. But I felt it the entire ride over here, the entire hour and 10 minutes I was in that car I couldn't wait for it to get to the golf course as soon as possible and tee off and I just wanted to get it started.

Q. We have got several days to go but how did it feel to finish 2-under after going through all this?

DANIELLE KANG: Over the years I've learned that 72 holes is a lot of golf, four days, I definitely, the double bogey that I made on 9 was pretty costly, however, it's, I'm trying on every single shot. At the end of the day I'm playing for something bigger than me right now and I just try and keep my cool and keep my patience and forget my bad shots as fast as I can and also forgetting my good shots as fast as I can. Shooting under par, shooting 69 was a really solid golf on the back nine. Making that up-and-down on 18 was really a good closure for me today.

Q. What do you need to do tonight for tomorrow just to get yourself back and refreshed?

DANIELLE KANG: I think right now I'm just going to go inside and cool down a little bit and then come back out and do some speed drill. I don't think I have the long putts speed down for today. But I'm putting really well, making a lot of solid 5-, 8-footers, which is the golden putts anyways, but I still want to leave myself a little less stress on the greens. Just good dinner and get back out there, play golf every day, so it's another round of golf tomorrow.

Q. How will you feel about that car ride tomorrow? Will you look forward to it?

DANIELLE KANG: I looked forward to this week for so long that I actually was sad that it was already happening at one point because it's going to be over, right? But it's just something that you have to truly enjoy while it's happening.

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111092-1-1044 2021-08-04 07:06:00 GMT

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