Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Wei-Ling Hsu

Quick Quotes

Q. How did that 69 feel?

WEI-LING HSU: It was all right. I just feel like -- I feel pretty good this week, but it was just my irons were a little off both days like the middle of the round. Around 11, 12. I made bogey each day on 11, which was, I missed an iron shot into the bunker and I feel like the bunker shot here is really kind of difficult. Especially when you miss on the short side. But overall I'm okay. Under par. But still people shoot pretty good today and still got a lot of shots I need to work on.

Q. A bit of a fist pump on the last hole?

WEI-LING HSU: Yeah, I mean 141 to the pin and I was hitting 140 and I think it is just getting hotter and I feel like the irons are feeling good, so the ball was just a flier from the first cut, landed about 148, had a big bounce all the way to the back. So, but I think it's just because maybe because I hit it into the water yesterday, so I kind of hit hard on the second shot. But it's all right. I made par.

Q. I suppose lunch will be better with a par on the last hole.

WEI-LING HSU: Yeah, try to save everything on the last hole.

Q. How did you cope with these weather conditions for a second day?

WEI-LING HSU: I think it is way better today because I was two hour tee time earlier. Today it was 7:40. So the front nine is way much cooler. But I just kept myself in mind that I need to stay in the shade, hold the umbrella as long as I can, drinking water, that's all I can do.

Q. Currently five shots behind the leaders. Your thoughts about going the last two days, especially with the prospect that the competition will be shortened to 54 holes, right?

WEI-LING HSU: Yeah, but I mean before the round I already set my goal like just try to make as many birdies as I can, because we are here for the medal. You have to try to catch those things and just try hard. I mean I still am making birdie, so I'm not worried about it as much. I'm just hoping that maybe I go practice a little bit and hopefully middle of the round tomorrow I can turn my score from bogey to birdie. That would huge for me.

Q. Is it just the irons that you need to get better at?

WEI-LING HSU: Yeah, a couple, just missing a little bit and hit it into the bunker. So hopefully it will get better tomorrow.

Q. Any support coming from home after yesterday's round?

WEI-LING HSU: Well, we have two coach and the Taiwanese (Chinese Taipei) media they come out and watch and support, but because of the COVID we don't have many friends or family, they all want to come out, they are very disappointed, but they are supporting us on TV for me. Especially yesterday when I finish I open up my phone I'm like, Whoa, 800 messages. I'm like, What happened? So anyway it's just my friends that are group chatting and they're like, Let's go. And like, You're tied for the lead. And I'm like, Okay. So I spent like maybe five minutes to read all the messages, but at the same time they show how supportive they are and just feel very grateful.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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