Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Xiyu Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. How did that round feel for you?

XIYU LIN: I think today I played pretty good. I hit the ball really, really well. For my putter it gets a little bit hotter than yesterday, but still not good enough. I think my tee to green is my best, like pretty much as well as I can do, but around the greens still made a little like some simple mistakes, causing too many bogeys. So but I think it's definitely going towards the right direction and very looking forward to the next two rounds or one round (laughing).

Q. Talk us through that run where you had three birdies and then the eagle. That must have been fun.

XIYU LIN: Yeah, well yesterday I birdied 5, 6, 7. Today like I started off hitting some, giving myself some really good birdie chances but I haven't made any. Then I missed the par putt on the par-3 again, so I kind of, I was a little mad at myself, but then I kind of turned around and said, okay, like yesterday I did three birdies in a row afterwards and then after that I did that and then when I see the par-5 where they move up the tee, I just it will myself, okay, let's keep going. I hit a great tee shot and a great second shot and it came back with the slope to like five feet and then mid the eagle. I think that's a really good one.

Q. What club was the second shot?

XIYU LIN: 3-wood.

Q. Conditions again, another hot tough day out there. How do you cope with these sort of conditions when you're playing?

XIYU LIN: I think first I'm always been like a little southern kid, even where I was born in China and where I'm based now in Florida I always have really humid weather, so I guess I always do like perform better in heat than cold. So that's one. And then today's earlier tee time is definitely a game changer. I mean, I waking up at 3:50 sucks, but when I finish right now I feel really, really good. Yeah, so I mean for me all I did is just stay under the umbrella and then drink lots of water and I think I can do pretty good here.

Q. I know that you look up to Shanshan and she won a bronze medal in Rio, which you played in Rio as well. You have a chance to win a medal here in Tokyo. What would it mean to you if you can follow Shanshan and get a medal for China?

XIYU LIN: I mean, I feel like this year my game, I always believe I always have a chance to win any of the tournaments and it just hasn't happened yet. So I have some really good finishes this year and so that at this point I'm pretty confident with my game and I mean here it is Olympics, it is a real honor, a real opportunity but I couldn't think that much for right now because I feel like quite a bit behind. So like for here you really need to have a really low round to chase up because I mean everyone can make a couple birdies here. So I think all I need to do is work on my putting still a little bit more and hopefully tomorrow like roll lots of putts in and make lots of birdies here.

Q. How much fun has it been for you to spend time with other athletes in the games village?

XIYU LIN: Oh, it was cool. I mean it always blows my mind that even I had been to the Olympics before, but every time looking into the village, like walking by some other really famous players or I mean athletes and then looking at all the volunteers, how this whole country is putting such an effort to make this Olympics happen. It's like there is so many people that are doing some really good work. So it really feels amazing and then I keep reminding myself like how lucky that I'm able to be an athlete and living this, make a living out of this and be able to travel around the world and able to even play in the Olympics.

Q. Were you nervous today and how did these changes help you concentrate and do better shots?

XIYU LIN: Yesterday, yeah, I was nervous. Today still. I mean on the course I end up, after I make the bogey, I start to do, I did little changes on my putting, more on the routine, like just try to get me using more of my intent and think less about my putting. It worked pretty good. I rolled in some putts but I still missed some because there's a couple short putts I stood there and I wasn't feeling comfortable. So that's something I definitely need to work on and that will be definitely my key for a low round here.

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