Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Jessica Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. Today you didn't know what bogey was. It was a pretty good day. How did you survive it?

JESSICA KORDA: I was just trying to concentrate on one hole at a time, one shot at a time. It is still really hot outside, not as hot as yesterday but still really, really hot.

Q. What was, tell me about your birdies. You had four of them on the day. Otherwise a clean card.

JESSICA KORDA: I mean I'm a little bit flustered. Obviously I left a lot out there. I was definitely hitting the ball a lot better than yesterday and giving myself the birdie opportunities. You got to do that today. They moved a couple tee boxes up, which made it really fun, actually. I like seeing that. Being able to hit an iron into a par-5 instead of driver, driver is definitely refreshing.

Q. You said take it a shot at a time, but do you have any strategies for trying to gut this heat out?

JESSICA KORDA: No, not really, no. Just hydrate, replenish the electrolytes lost and that's about it.

Q. I'm not expecting you to go out and walk anymore but your sister is putting together quit around right now. Going to watch it on TV?

JESSICA KORDA: That's what TV is for.

Q. Have you heard from family at all back home. I'm sure have you.

JESSICA KORDA: Yeah, we text and call every day. Just the normal stuff. It's really like any other event.

Q. Didn't know if there were any words of support from mom?

JESSICA KORDA: I think I saw it was like 33 years ago I saw a quote from someone. No, I'm not really -- it's like any other week and that's what make it's so nice.

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