Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. Given the heat yesterday and what happened with Lexi's caddie, did you do anything special today to try to stay hydrated, stay cool?

DANIELLE KANG: No, I definitely -- I teed off two hours earlier than yesterday so it was cooler for me. It got a hotter a little bit later in the day.

Q. What are your thoughts on possibly only playing 54 holes?

DANIELLE KANG: I'm pretty bummed out about that. I hope that that doesn't happen. I really don't like women's events getting cut to 54 more often than normal, it's happened to us a little bit too much I think. Men's finished a 72-hole Olympic round and I would really like us to finish 72 holes.

Q. One of the things they discussed was possibly playing 27 holes today and tomorrow. They were worried about the heat. Would you be okay with that?

DANIELLE KANG: Honestly, I'm a, I'm for whatever. At the end of the day if it's hot, it's hot. If it's cold, it's cold. It's an outdoor sport. So it would have been a little bit weird to play 27, but I would rather, I would rather have that happen than cut the event to 54 holes again. It honestly happens way too much for me to be on board with -- I mean, it happened at Marathon. Just, they wash rounds, I'm so against people washing rounds. And just, if we teed off at a 72-hole event, I just, however long it takes. But that's just how I see things, so that's an opinion, right? It's not right or wrong.

Q. Tell me about your round today. Opened with the bogey but cleaned up pretty quick. Another birdie close in the end?

DANIELLE KANG: It's a little bit frustrating to know. I think this golf course is a bit more scorable than we anticipate. You just got to make putts and I'm just not making a lot of putts out there. There's a lot of low scores there today and they made a lot of scorable holes but I think the green speed is a bit on the slower side and I just need to figure out -- I need to calibrate that speed. Any time we go overseas and the Stimpmeter is running a little bit lower I can't quite see the ball roll in and that's what's happening right now. But hopefully I can adjust my putter and figure it out for the next hopefully two days.

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