Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. 68. Felt like it could have been a little bit lower but you'll be happy with that.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I feel like I had a lot of missed opportunities, definitely early in the round. I couldn't really get the pace of the shorter putts today for some reason, but finishing, I finished strong, so that balances it out, I guess.

Q. Did you feel like you had some momentum there on the back nine? Three birdies.

MINJEE LEE: Even then like I missed my putt on 10 and 11 and I was a little bit pissed off -- not pissed off but a little bit peeved off at myself for not making them or for not making more putts. So, yeah, I just really wanted to make a few and I made three coming in.

Q. Right at the moment the lead's at 9 and you're at 3.

MINJEE LEE: It's at 10.

Q. Do you feel comfortable with where you're at at the moment?

MINJEE LEE: I think if we were playing two more rounds then I could still have a chance. But they said it might miss us, I just talked to the people inside. So fingers crossed. But I do need to pose some low scores.

Q. What have you heard about that, the 54-holes versus 72 holes?

MINJEE LEE: They're just going to play it by ear. Like for the moment they said there was a, there was weather coming in and it sort of missed them too, so they said that they're just going to see how it kind of goes through.

Q. If you go another 36 holes do you think you're feeling okay about that?

MINJEE LEE: I feel like I could build some momentum. Definitely after today and hopefully tomorrow I can post a better score.

Q. How did you find the heat today, obviously everyone's playing in it but it's probably lucky to get an earlier tee time.

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, it was so much better. It made the world of difference especially because we had like the ice vests and the slushies too, so we're lucky to have such a great team around us to make that happen.

Q. Did you use the ice vest very much and did it make much difference?

MINJEE LEE: I used it like two or three times, probably. Walking around. So I had it on and off just for a short period of time, but I think it was great. It feels good when you have it on.

Q. So just on the tee boxes and stuff like that?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, just after the tee shot or walking to -- I had it on 9 walking to my ball.

Q. Have you ever done that before have you ever seen that done before?


Q. How are the conditions here compared to some of the tough conditions you've played? I mean you've played in the Middle East and places like that and obviously in an America there's some parts where it can be really hot.

MINJEE LEE: It's just much more humid here. But in the Middle East not as, it's not that hot. I mean it's dry heat. And you don't really feel it as much as like here where it's humid like tie land, Singapore, it's the humidity, like the temperature is probably not so bad, it's just the sun and the humidity.

Q. What do you need to do tomorrow, what do you need to do better?

MINJEE LEE: Probably just drop a couple like birdie putts early and I think that would really open up my round. But it's a start today so hopefully I can have a chance tomorrow and the next day.

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111128-1-1044 2021-08-05 05:02:00 GMT

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