Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. 65, you must be really thrilled with that. That's a great round, especially in those conditions.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I felt like yesterday was just a matter of getting the rust off and it was pretty hot yesterday so I felt like it was hard to stay in the moment. Today I gave myself a lot more opportunities for birdie and managed to roll a couple really important putts in and it kind of just gave me some motivation and some confidence with the putter. Yeah, I hit the ball a lot better. I hit a lot more greens. Gave myself good opportunities. So I did exactly what I wanted and hopefully I can keep doing that for the next couple rounds.

Q. Talk us through some of the round. I know you had an issue at No. 9 where you maybe had a bad lie down in the left rough there. You tried to knock it on the green and it didn't go very far at all. Was that a mistake?

HANNAH GREEN: I actually had a good break, it bounced off the tree, so it could have really gone anywhere. But it was sitting down pretty gnarly. I don't think I would have done any better with a wedge or anything. So I did want to give the hybrid a go and I'm not really surprised with the you outcome and I left myself a really tricky third so I'm grateful that I think I got it to stay on the green. Then my par putt was just a hard putt. It had three feet of break so it was always going to be a tough one to make. So I think I hit a few tee shots left today, even the one on 18, so I need to make sure that I'm trusting my lines off the tee and trying to stay as focused as I can.

Q. You held it together beautifully and in fact you bounced back with four birdies on the back nine. What were the length of putts on 16 and 17?

HANNAH GREEN: 16 I had a nice 15-footer down the hill. I felt confident on that hole. Felt like it was the best read.

Q. 8-iron there?

HANNAH GREEN: I hit 7. Yeah, it was the most confident read I had all day. So I stroked it really well and it went in the middle. 17 I had about a 6-footer for birdie as well. So I came in clutch the last few holes. I feel like the putt on the last with a, could be really huge come the weekend.

Q. The momentum that comes from making a par there after you had to lay up on 18.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, for sure. It felt like making a birdie, to be honest. 18's a strong hole and even with though they have moved the tee up it kind of brings the water in play. So it would be interesting to see if they keep it up there. But, yeah, I am very happy to make a 4 and now going to get some lunch.

Q. Were you blocked out by the pine tree on 18?

HANNAH GREEN: I didn't have a lie anyway, but even if it wasn't so thick I don't think I would have been able to work with that tree there. So, yeah, very happy to hit a good wedge shot and leave myself a straight putt to that pin.

Q. How hot did you find it? I know you're from Perth and it gets hot there of course, but did you use the ice vests that the team management got for you?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I pretty much used it every opportunity that I got. It wasn't so bad the first nine holes, the last nine was definitely starting to get warm, but today I have to make sure I'm doing the right thing, but I also have to think about the next couple days. It won't be so hot but I want to make sure that I don't have to work to hard to get myself back to normal. So very grateful for the team running around everywhere and looking after me and my caddie.

Q. Have you heard much about whether it's going to be a full tournament or a three-round tournament? Because you're four back, I mean if it's a, even if it's only a three-round tournament you're probably in the mix.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I really hope it is four, I would like two more days to get back up there. I feel like now that I've had a good round I can see what's capable and yeah there's no reason why I can't keep climbing. So I haven't heard anything and I really hope that this weather stays away and let's us have a 72-hole tournament.

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