Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Alena Sharp

Quick Quotes

Q. A little bit stronger out there today. Just give us a quick walk through your round today.

ALENA SHARP: Well it started out not so great. Didn't hit a lot of good shots the first five holes but got up-and-down. Then I think that calmed me down. I found it on number 8. Hit better shots, my tempo was better, I gave myself opportunities, hit a lot of good putts that didn't go in. Finally made a birdie on 15. Had chances coming in on 16 and 18. But happy with getting it back to even, because I was over par early and obviously would be nice to be more under par today, but I'm happy with my finish, the way I started, for sure.

Q. You talked about adjustments, they moved up a few of the holes today. Potentially some opportunity to have made some movement on some of the par-4s?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I drove to the front of the green on 6 and 3-putted. So I had an opportunity there. Then on 8 I had a 7-wood in and I just hit a hair of a draw, went in the bunker and I didn't get up-and-down. So, yeah, I had the opportunities there for sure, you got to capitalize on those for sure.

Q. We heard a lot about round-to-round adjustments. There is the possibility of weather impacting the tournament a little bit. When you look at your adjustments for tomorrow, what's your mindset going into tomorrow's round?

ALENA SHARP: I got to be a little bit more aggressive and take advantage of those holes that are up and roll some putts in. I'm not going to really change too much what I normally do. Like I mean I would love to go out and shoot a really low round, but we'll see. Those putts got to drop.

Q. Canadian golf is mourning the loss of a legend today. Jocelyne Bourassa passed away. As an icon of Canadian golf maybe just some thoughts on her passing and what she's meant to the game, junior golf, women's golf and just the game of golf in general in Canada?

ALENA SHARP: I think obviously she's an icon and a legend in Canadian women's golf and was the Rookie of the Year on the LPGA and won the Canadian Open and those are huge things that are so hard to accomplish. So she did a lot in the time that she was out on the LPGA and then she was also instrumental in giving back to women's junior golf and amateur golf. I think it's really important that we honor her and because she was, she gave her time tirelessly for us and I hope that her legend lives on.

Q. We talk about sort of he mentorship and the spirit of and there's a camaraderie among all the Canadians and even among the LPGA fraternity. How do you sort of look at how Jocelyne would approach things and are there things that can you look at and say you know what, this is a way that I can honor Jocelyne going forward?

ALENA SHARP: I think continue doing what I'm doing, mentoring the younger kids and then when I'm done playing, like do something to give back to amateur golf as well and junior golf in Canada. I'm not sure what that is yet but I definitely want to follow in her footsteps.

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111133-1-1044 2021-08-05 06:06:00 GMT

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