Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

BROOKE HENDERSON: It felt good to make some birdies out there. It's more like my old self which feels good. Yeah, hopefully just kind of continue the momentum into tomorrow and Saturday and hopefully make a lot more birdies and climb up as much as possible.

Q. What adjustments did you make between yesterday and today?

BROOKE HENDERSON: To be honest yesterday it could have gone really well I was playing really well the front nine, just kind of stumbled coming in. Just wasn't really comfortable with the putter. But I practiced a lot after the round yesterday and got a few things figured out, I think, and the flat stick worked a little better for me today so I think we're going in the right direction.

Q. So you practiced on the green not at the driving range.


Q. You mentioned the heat. It's undeniable it's a factor. How are you feeling in terms of hydration and everything?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I feel pretty good. It's definitely very hot out here and you have to really be careful and make sure you're drinking a lot and for me eating a lot too. You don't necessarily feel like eating but you know it's really important and I feel like the last few days I've definitely felt it on the back nine a lot more, but feeling good right now and hopefully good rest and lots of water tonight and I'll be feeling good for tomorrow.

Q. You mentioned also hoping to make a charge tomorrow and Saturday. But there is a possibility of this becoming a three-round tournament. How do you feel about that, it could really affect things for you?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, if I was near the top of the leaderboard I would be loving it that it's possibly only three days. Where I am it's probably better for me if there's two more rounds, so I can maybe climb a little bit more. But that's golf, you never really know, there's lots of variables and lots of conditions that you kind of just have to deal with.

Q. I'm sure you know Jocelyne Bourassa passed away today. What did she mean to the sport of golf in Canada?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know, she's been a legend for Canadian golf and somebody that I've looked up to as she won the Canadian Open before I did, that was pretty cool. I got to meet her once, and her picture is saved on my iPad. So it's very sad and I'll be praying and keeping her family in my thoughts and prayers.

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