Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Mone Inami

Quick Quotes

Reporter: Impressive round of 65. Take us through your day.

Mone: There were few tees that were moved up on front nine. One of them was a drivable par 4. It was huge that I was able to make eagle there.

Reporter: Talk about that chip in eagle on 6th hole. Did it go as you had planned to?

Mone: Yes, I was able to play just as I planned to.

Reporter: You talked about your struggle with the putting yesterday. How would you rate your performance on the greens today?

Mone: I was able to convert some of the opportunities on front nine. But I left few short ones out there coming in. Otherwise, I’m pretty content with my performance overall today.

Reporter: You ranked number one in fairway accuracy yesterday. You continued the impressive performance off the tee today.

Mone: Yeah, I managed to avoid hitting from the rough today.

Reporter: What is your game plan for the next few days?

Mone: I’d like to continue to covert opportunities and go for a low round.

Reporter: You are within reach to win a medal. Do you think about that while you are out there?

Mone: I’m not thinking about winning a medal. Instead, I’m trying to focus on executing my game plan and shooting a low round.

Reporter: Are you aware of the leaderboard during round?

Mone: I’m not as concerned about my standing on the leaderboard. But rather focused on the score I’m shooting. I’m not thinking about the results but focusing on my performance.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111137-1-1044 2021-08-05 06:39:00 GMT

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