Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Shanshan Feng

Quick Quotes

Q. Quite a good birthday for you.

SHANSHAN FENG: Yeah, it was pretty good. I knew I didn't do very well yesterday, so plus they're saying that maybe they're going to shorten the tournament up to 54-hole tournament. So because of the weather. So I knew that I would have to make something happen. I would have to go low to try to make something happen. So that was what I was focusing on. My ball striking today was much better, so I gave myself a lot of birdie chances and I made like most of them. So 7-under I think, yes, I'm still behind, but at least I think it's halfway there.

Q. What was the difference between today and yesterday from in terms of ball striking and putting?

SHANSHAN FENG: Just I think my putting yesterday wasn't that bad, it was just misjudged -- I just misjudged about the speed a little bit. The greens are actually a little bit slower than what we were thinking. I just con get the ball there. Plus my ball striking, I just didn't give myself too many birdie chances yesterday.

Q. How about your birthday today. How did you feel? Any surprises from other players or teammates?

SHANSHAN FENG: Actually the volunteers. Well maybe the tournament told them, because most of them, most of the volunteers knew it was my birthday. So like I think like one of them actually like she wrote like a, like some words for me and she hold the board and was showing me on the course. And I was like, Oh, like, thank you. So I guess the tournament maybe was telling them. Yeah, but I was glad that not everybody came to me and said happy birthday because I don't know if I can still concentrate if that happens.

Q. With Nelly going low today, the course is gettable, it seems like and with where your position is with two more rounds to play, hopefully, do you feel like you have a good chance to try and defend your medal?

SHANSHAN FENG: Well, like I said, I think at least I went from impossible to now maybe have a small chance. I would say that. Yeah, I would still have to go low for two more rounds because I know the girls are going to play well because we got the best girls from all over the world here. Other than top 3 it doesn't mean anything. So I guess everybody's trying to go for top 3 and, yeah, I mean I just have to do what I have to do. I will give it a hundred percent.

Q. Does this week feel different from regular TOUR events for you?

SHANSHAN FENG: Well I think because I played the Olympic games last time, so I would say without the spectators it of course it doesn't feel as exciting on the course to, I mean playing on the course. But, yeah, I mean seeing all the setups like on the tee boxes, the markers are the five rings and the way they announce us on the tee box is different. So it's quite special. We're not really going for prize money because normally, I mean, everybody tries to win, but if you don't win you still try to be the best you can.

Q. And you're playing for China obviously this week.

SHANSHAN FENG: Yeah, but this time we're representing our own countries and we're not playing for prize money, we're playing for honor. So, yeah, I guess that's what everybody is trying so hard and, yeah, yeah, everything is good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111138-1-1044 2021-08-05 06:51:00 GMT

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