Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Nasa Hataoka

Quick Quotes

Question: Take us through your day.

Nasa: It was a disappointing day. There were lots of opportunities out there with some of the par 4 tees moved up. But I was only able to shoot three under.

Question: Talk about your game off the tee on back nine in particular.

Nasa: On back nine, I was missing my tee shots sideways, which left me very few opportunities. Even on the holes where I was able to set myself up for some chances, I either had a difficult line or wasn’t able to convert them.

Question: Elaborate on the difficult lines you had on the greens.

Nasa: Sure. My putts were never simple today. I kept landing on the part of the greens where I needed to be concerned about the speed or had a difficult line to read.

Question: Nelly Korda went very low today. Was it tricky playing with her because of her score?

Nasa: Not really. I was hoping that I would catch on with her momentum and play well myself but I wasn’t able to. It felt like Nelly scooped away all the bridies from us today.

Question: Talk about the weather and how you are combating the heat.

Nasa: It felt hotter yesterday than today. I heard some caddies wasn’t feeling too great yesterday. It could easily happen to me as I am trying my best to stay as cool as possible.

Question: Talk about your tee shots on front nine. It seems you were hitting lots of fairways.

Nasa: Well, I am hitting about 10% shorter off the tee than usual. They were not on the line that I was aiming for either. I feel that I haven’t been able to fully translate my strength to the tee shots, which resulted in leaving pretty lengthy second shots. Nelly beat me in those areas today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111139-1-1044 2021-08-05 07:16:00 GMT

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