Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Maha Haddioui

Quick Quotes

Q. Hole-in-one in the Olympics. How did it feel?

MAHA HADDIOUI: Amazing. I mean it's my first one in a tournament, so I'm really excited it happened here. I'm always complaining I never got a hole-in-one yet. Always so close. But having it this week, this, in the Olympics, representing more rack could I couldn't ask for better.

Q. What was the club and yardage for you?

MAHA HADDIOUI: It was a 7-iron. And the yardage was -- I'm going to give it to you in meters. 149 meters.

Q. How many, what was your reaction like, did you get to see the ball go in the hole?

MAHA HADDIOUI: No, well, I saw it go like it was exactly the shot I wanted to hit, like high-ish cut and then as I saw it land I'm like, Oh, shit, that could be close. And then I'm waiting for the reaction and then I saw people starting like, Oh, and then screams. And then I was hoping they're not just getting excited for a very close one. But then, yeah, I found out it was a hole-in-one when I was on the tee still.

Q. How many hole-in-ones have you had?

MAHA HADDIOUI: This is my sixth total, but the first one in tournament.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111140-1-1044 2021-08-05 07:25:00 GMT

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