Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 6 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. How are you holding up in the heat?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's very hot. I'm feeling pretty good. I feel like it hasn't really affected us too much, a couple shots here and there just because you're not thinking maybe as clearly as you should be which definitely can cost you because one shot can lead to another one. But for the most part we're just trying to stay hydrated and fueled up.

Q. Is there any concern for Brittany, who of course is also out there and carrying a load?

BROOKE HENDERSON: She's been amazing. She hasn't even complained. So she's been doing really well. I know not all caddies can say that. So I'm pretty proud of her for handling it so well and looking after me after I haven't been playing very well either, she's taking care of the both of us.

Q. How do you feel about today's round?

BROOKE HENDERSON: There's definitely some good things about it. Like obviously it did not go as I would have liked and I didn't hit the ball as well as I normally do, so I really had to grind it out and get up-and-down sometimes and make lemonade out of lemons sometimes today. So it's just like nice that I kind of have that courage and that grind in me because it's tough to keep going when you're that far down on the leaderboard, but just plugging away and hopefully I can make some more birdies tomorrow.

Q. You had a stronger final nine than front nine for you. What was the difference between the two?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I honestly love that front nine a lot better than this back side, I played it way better all week. I feel like there's a couple really easy birdie holes for me like the par-5, it's been reachable even when the tee was back. So it's been reachable all three days. Then the up tee on the next hole, the 6th hole, they have had it up the last two days, so I can get near the green in one and then I was able to get up-and-down today for birdie. So it kind of that nice birdie run. Where on the back side I haven't really found those two holes that can give that to me yet. But hopefully tomorrow I can hit it a little bit cleaner and make some birdies.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111179-1-1044 2021-08-06 03:53:00 GMT

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