Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 6 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Shanshan Feng

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice playing today. Back to 7-under. Did you stand on the tee feeling any different now that you're 32 this morning?

SHANSHAN FENG: No, I'm only like one day older so I didn't feel a lot different. I had a mindset like I knew that we would have to try to go low and I would say today like some of the pin positions were not very easy to attack, so I didn't give myself too many birdie chances in the middle there. The double on 11 that was a little bit unlucky. But it was still okay. I was still bogey-free round, just had a double (laughing).

Q. Talk about the eagle at No. 6.

SHANSHAN FENG: Yeah, I mean it was, they moved the tee up again own that par four so it became a short par-4 and I just hit like a little controlled driver and then I hit it to three feet, I believe. And that was my actually my first eagle of the year. I made a lot of birdies but that's the first eagle. So I saved it for the best tournament.

Q. 7-under, looking at the leaderboard, long way from the lead, but not far from a medal position. Chances tomorrow do you think, opportunity? We saw it in the men's. A lot of people came from behind.

SHANSHAN FENG: Well 10-under, 8-under on the last day, that's what we saw. Well, I have to have to not look at the leaderboard like before Sunday we finish and so I actually don't really know like where I'm at, but, well, thank you for telling me. But I think it's the same thing, like this is the Olympics, like fourth or fifth it doesn't matter. Like if it's not top 3, it's no difference. And I believe that we have the best girls here in the world so everybody's going to try to go low tomorrow and somebody will. So hopefully that will be me.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111180-1-1044 2021-08-06 04:04:00 GMT

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