Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 6 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Nasa Hataoka

Quick Quotes

Question: Nice par save on 18th hole

Nasa: Ideally, I was hoping to make another birdie before the end of round. But I was hitting out of the bunker so I will take the par save as a positive.

Question: Take us thought your day

Nasa: I was able to hit my tee shots freely with nice trajectory and distance today for the first time this week. I’d like to continue that and do a great job one more day.

Question: We’ve witnessed many great par saves. What was going through your mind during the round?

Nasa: As Moving Saturday… Actually Moving Friday, I was expecting the course setup to be much easier than what it actually was today. We saw some tough pin locations out there. For example, the pin on 11th was cut right by the bunker and also set up pretty lengthy. I had to play some patient golf today. Within the process, it was great that I was able to shoot 4 under today.

Question: You are in a position to win the medal tomorrow. What is your game plan?

Nasa: It was great that I was able to climb up the leaderboard as much as possible today. I have some ground to make up to catch the leader. But this is a course where anything could happen. My goal is to keep climbing up the leaderboard.

Question” Olympics has been a huge goal of yours.

Nasa: Yes, it has been a goal of mine since I was an amateur. I will get after it tomorrow. No regret.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111181-1-1044 2021-08-06 04:40:00 GMT

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