Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 6 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Xiyu Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. Describe your round today.

XIYU LIN: I played better than what I scored. I hit lots of great shots. I even hit lots of good putts, but just missing a bit of luck today. So burning lots of edges and then some of the putts, like after a great approach shot I have the most severe putt, I have the most breaking putts. So I would say overall today I actually played pretty good and I'm still happy, I'm very happy with another eagle in the bag and then but in hopefully tomorrow I have a little better luck with putting.

Q. Can you describe the eagle at No. 6. How did you make that eagle?

XIYU LIN: So No. 6, oh, so today I started off really good. I mean the irons, I had so many birdie chances and didn't make any of them. And then fifth my first mistake hitting the second shot in the bunker and then couldn't get it out. Like just got it out and then make a long 25-footer for par. Then I was thinking, okay, maybe my putter's going to work now. And then 6th hole, they moved the tee up again and I just hit a really good 3-wood and then got it on the green and it like a 20-footer and made that one. Yeah, it's really nice.

Q. When you have a round like that where you say you burned a lot of edges and it's probably frustrating, how do you deal with that especially when it's hot and you have to stay patient?

XIYU LIN: In China we have a saying when you're burning edges you're saving the luck in the bank. So I've been saving it for three days, so it better give me a good one tomorrow.

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