Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 6 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Mone Inami

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations on a great first three rounds as we head into the final round of the Olympic games. First question is, what are you feeling, how excited are you to enter the final round with a chance to medal in these Olympics?

MONE INAMI: For the past three days I've had a lot of fun and also at the same time I've been able to shoot low rounds, so I would like to continue that tomorrow and have a good time.

THE MODERATOR: We'll take questions.

Q. Can you talk us through what you were feeling during the round and how much pressure you feel under or otherwise?

MONE INAMI: Like I said will earlier, I had a lot of fun today. The only thing was on the final hole I misread the putt which caused a bogey. But otherwise I had a really good day.

Q. Have you spoken to Hideki at all in the last week or so since his performance and if so what sort of things did he pass on?

MONE INAMI: I spoke to him briefly on the day he was leaving Tokyo, I was actually arriving to the city, and he said that because he wasn't able to win the medal on the men's side he wished us good luck on the women's side.

Q. What was the best part of your performance today?

MONE INAMI: I think what really was good for me today was that there wasn't anything that was very poor. Even when I mishit some of the tee shots I think the error was minimal and I was able to hit a lot of fairways. I managed to avoid a lot of rough.

Q. Talk about your driver, how comfortable do you feel with it?

MONE INAMI: It's not -- I'm not hitting it incredible, but at the same time pretty solid. During the tee shots I'm just keeping some of the things top of mind that I've been working on.

Q. Talk about the 13th hole. At that time with the birdie you were tied for the second place. I saw your fist pump as well. Talk about your emotions there.

MONE INAMI: When you're contending, birdies tend to weigh a little bit more, so I was very happy that I made that birdie, which led to my fist pump.

Q. I hear you say you repeat the word, I'm having a lot of fun, during this press conference. Would you elaborate on the feeling?

MONE INAMI: The Olympics itself is very fun. I love the atmosphere of the Olympics, the field is great. Not sure exactly which factor to point out which is leading to my feeling of having fun, but it's a very unique tournament, so I want to play with no regret. I think being nervous or being tight doesn't do you anything, so I just want to focus on having fun.

Q. In the men's competition we saw seven-man playoffs for the bronze medal. You are 3-0 in the playoffs on the Japan LPGA Tour. Are you confident that you'll be able to pull off in the playoffs?

MONE INAMI: Yes, I am.

Q. Again, I hear you saying that you're having a lot of fun. Do you feel -- you've won multiple times on the Japan LPGA Tour, compared to the appreciate or the feelings you're having to play on the Japan LPGA Tour and the Olympics, would you compare those two?

MONE INAMI: It really hasn't settled in that I'm contending in the Olympics.

Q. As you try to go for the medal tomorrow, do you get nervous?

MONE INAMI: I don't usually get nervous and it's the same for this event.

Q. You mentioned that the field is great. What part of the field do you enjoy the most? Is it the diversity side of the field?

MONE INAMI: Yes, it's definitely a part of it.

Q. You mentioned that this has been a dream stage for you. After playing a few rounds does it feel the same?

MONE INAMI: Yes, it does, it feels like a dream stage.

Q. In the previous summers you talked about struggling during the summer in the heat. Are you doing anything with your diet?

MONE INAMI: I weighed myself last week and I had put on a few pounds, which was great. So whenever I get a chance I make sure to eat.

Q. You mentioned before that you wanted to inspire the kids through your performance.

MONE INAMI: I think the most exciting for the kids is to be able to watch us contend and climb up the leaderboard. It's actually really fun for me too to contend, so I want to focus on that tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111185-1-1044 2021-08-06 05:33:00 GMT

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