Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 6 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Alena Sharp

Quick Quotes

Q. 2-under today, nice third round. Walk us through your round today.

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I started with a birdie on 10, which is nice, almost like in the air it looked like it was going in the hole so it's nice to make a 12-footer for birdie there. Just played consistent, like yesterday, but made some more putts today. So left a few out there still but nice to see a longer putt go in on the last hole. So that kind of made up for one of the ones that I left out there on No. 6.

Q. Talking to your coach, he said you were hitting it really good today. Is it a matter of more familiarity with the golf course or just things are starting to click for you?

ALENA SHARP: Yeah, I feel my driver was much better. I found something yesterday on the course and it was just a little setup key and I think that's helpful. I think for me it's always pre-swing. When I'm setup pre-swing I'm more confident and I can make the swing that I need to for the target that I'm looking at. So I think today was a little bit more cleaner that way. When I missed the green or even I got up-and-down for birdie like my chipping's been pretty solid, so that's been helpful too.

Q. What's the strategy on an event like this, obviously we have gotten to the point where we're not talking about there's no cut and so then you get to the third round, it's like how does the strategy evolve in an event like this where -- what's the continued motivation to keep pressing?

ALENA SHARP: Well, I think I just want to be better every day and have the best round that I can tomorrow. Like my best round of the tournament. I mean, I think it's like what happened yesterday, Nelly close to 59, like shoot for something like that, why not, right? I just want to have, personally for my personally best day on the last round now because I've had over par, even, under, so now a little bit more under tomorrow would be a really good way to finish the tournament.

Q. The heat has been obviously a continued story, managing through it. You personally and sort of as a team how have you found the heat and what are some of the adjustments that you've been making?

ALENA SHARP: Just a lot of water, we have been trying to do a lot of electrolytes, did some salt tablets, definitely trying to get to bed and get enough sleep. Brett brought the Normatec, like it's like a recovery thing, you sit in them and they kind of like get your blood circulating. I did that last night. I think that's helpful. I think that's why I feel better today. So I'll do that again tonight.

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