Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Friday, 6 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Emily Kristine Pedersen

Quick Quotes

Q. Given sort of the situation we're in about playing, not playing, possibly tomorrow, did you glance at the leaderboard today with maybe some urgency that you wouldn't have had normally in a third round?

EMILY KRISTINE PEDERSEN: I mean, I always look a little bit at the leaderboard, but just to kind of see where I'm at. I'm trying to do the best on every shot anyway, so but I mean, it's weird situation now because we don't know if we're going to get the chance to better our score or better our placement, but I'm just happy that I stuck in there today.

Q. Did you glance and realize you're tied for third?

EMILY KRISTINE PEDERSEN: Yeah, I just did now.

Q. Given the bizarre situation, fundamental question, would you be okay sharing a bronze four ways or whatever it might be?

EMILY KRISTINE PEDERSEN: I mean if I don't get the chance, I would love to play for gold, but if I don't get the chance at least I have some kind of a medal now, but I think we'll play, I hope we'll play.

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111189-1-1044 2021-08-06 05:57:00 GMT

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