Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Patty Tavatanakit

Quick Quotes

Q. Sum up your week here in the Olympic games. How do you feel for you?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: It's a little bit frustrating because obviously I didn't play the way I wanted. I was a little rusty coming off of like a four weeks off, but if anything I feel like my game's in a good position heading forward to Scottish and British. Just got to keep improving the little stuff that's going on on the course, the putting and scoring and just a little bit here and there I feel like I gave it away at least three shots per day, which if you add it up I'm up there. If anything I'm just going to look at it that way. I feel like there's a lot of positives to take out of this week.

Q. What do you think you need to tighten up, get better at, areas of your game?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Just a little bit of mechanic stuff and mentally too I feel like I was just letting myself go a little bit easier, just because I guess I have really high expectations of how I'm playing and how I should play each week. I feel like if I lower that and try to execute and just focus with a process I'll potentially do better.

Q. Did this week feel any different from your regular LPGA Tour event?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Not really because we all see the same people.

Q. You're in the Olympic games, you're representing tie land for a medal.

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Yeah, it's different in that sense but I think at the end of the day we're just out here playing golf with some of the best golfers around the world and representing our country, it's different on that part but at the end of the day it's everyone, most of the people are from the LPGA Tour.

Q. You got a PGA TOUR winner on your bag as caddie how much of an influence is that for you?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Grant has been a huge part of my success so far this year just because he put my game in a good place and mentality too in the sense that I look at the course differently, I approach things differently on the course, just the way I look at things or just in a better perspective.

Q. How long have you worked with him?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: A year. It's trending upwards right now, but I feel like we have a lot of stuff to work on and try to improve still.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111213-1-1044 2021-08-07 02:24:00 GMT

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