Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Jessica Korda

Quick Quotes

Q. (No Microphone.)

JESSICA KORDA: I'm going to go eat and watch the last couple holes.

Q. How do you watch your sister compared to maybe how one of us or a spectator might watch?

JESSICA KORDA: Her and I kind of talked about it that we're really calm watching each other, we're definitely more stressed watching our brother. For some reason we're just pretty calm with each other and I think it just kind of know how the other one's playing and it's golf so you don't really know what could happen coming down the stretch, but I feel like we both have so much fate in each other that we're just really calm.

Q. Why do you think you're more anxious watching your brother though?

JESSICA KORDA: Because you don't know what the other person's going to do and it's more like head-to-head and so anything kind of goes, I feel like. Whereas this is just a little, you know it's just a little different. You kind of plot your way around a golf course and you're a little bit more in control whereas I think in tennis it's more unknown.

Q. What can we expect coming down, they got the tees up on 14 and 17?

JESSICA KORDA: Yeah, I mean that tee shot on 14's not easy. It's not easy at all. Like you can get blocked out both ways. So I think with the wind it kind of picked up and now it's died down a little bit, so I think maybe with that, paying attention on that. And 17 should be a 3-wood for her, I think. It's still tough, like the pin's tucked back. I was on the front and it's not an easy putt. The pin's on the back, it's kind of further back than what the men had.

And then the 18th hole with that pin, we don't have a flat lie here, so you got a short club in and not a very flat lie with a tight carry, it's tough. So it will be interesting coming down the stretch for sure.

Q. How would you assess the whole week experience?

JESSICA KORDA: I would obviously, I wish it wasn't so hot, I think I got a little maybe heat issue, especially after the first day. But what a great week to have playing the Olympics and I could only dream of this. I wasn't even dreaming of this, if we had to qualify last year I wouldn't have been anywhere near it. So the fact that we had it this year being, having to qualify for the U.S., being the fourth girl, it's not easy to make our team. So I'm just really proud of myself for grinding it out and playing consistent enough to be able to climb my way on to the team.

Q. You got two straight years of majors without anybody asking about the Olympics.

JESSICA KORDA: I'm so excited. No offense but that was brutal.

Q. From Nelly, you've been out here long enough and seen other players, is it easy to, once you kind of something unlocks, like happened to her wherever she shot the 62, Michigan? Wherever it was.

JESSICA KORDA: She shot it a couple of times this year.

Q. To win in Atlanta and then to be playing well, does it surprise you at all to see her get on a kind of on a run like this?

JESSICA KORDA: I mean, not necessarily surprised, I would just say that this is like a dream season. This is what you would expect out of In Bee Park. Like this is just kind of like almost legend status that you would get on just as a golfer period, male or female. Like this is just a dream season to have. I hope that it keeps continuing, because it's so much fun to watch it. I know it's stressful for her to play it and keep it up, but once you got it going I think you get into this rhythm and I think that's kind of what she's in and it's tough to win out here and she makes it look easy, but those girls are good. Like you look at the leaderboard and every week this is how it is. So for her to be doing what she's do you think it's insane to me. But at the same time it's so cool. But like I said, this is like total like GOAT status for me, to win three times in a season, be world No. 1 and now she's kind of like going for gold, I mean you guys write for a living this is exactly what you would want to write about.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111214-1-1044 2021-08-07 02:31:00 GMT

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