Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Yuka Saso

Quick Quotes

Q. That back nine must have felt nice.

YUKA SASO: Yeah, I putted really good. I finished that way. Yeah, it feels good.

Q. Just talk us through that, those three birdies and then the eagle and the birdie finish again.

YUKA SASO: Yeah, the first birdie came, it was really long putt. I didn't really expect it to go in but it did. Next hole I hit it close and it was a downhill putt, I putted really good. Yeah, the par-5 I reached it in two, that was really good. Then hole 17, that was a reachable par-4 and I hit my shot.

Q. Driver?

YUKA SASO: No, 3-wood. And hit it to maybe like 10 feet or so and, yeah made the putt. Then on the last hole as well. I really hit a good second shot and made the putt. Now it's a finish like that, it felt really good to end that way. I hoped I would play that well the first three days.

Q. Your first experience at the Olympics. Has this been a special week for you?

YUKA SASO: Yeah, actually with all the players that I played with for the four days I learned a lot and I really enjoyed it. They're all nice and overall it was a really good experience and maybe for my next tournament I can keep on going.

Q. Would Paris be on your mind now with it being three years away?

YUKA SASO: I want to focus on what I have to do now in my next tournament and my golf. I don't really like thinking ahead too much, I'm just trying to focus on now and trying to get this going.

Q. What's next up for you in terms of your schedule?

YUKA SASO: I'm going to play the Scottish Women's Open and then I'll play the British Open.

Q. From this week are there areas where you're going to need to sharpen your game, tighten up some parts of your game?

YUKA SASO: I think we all want to get better every day and that's what I'm trying to do. So just keep on working and just trust the process.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111215-1-1044 2021-08-07 02:42:00 GMT

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