Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes - Round 3

Q. Well played. You must be happy for the second day in a row you got something to take away from what happened at the 18th hole. That putt was not easy.

HANNAH GREEN: No, it was huge. Again from yesterday holing that 6-footer for par really helped me with my confidence with the putter and I rolled some really good putts out there today and some didn't go in, which always more than often happens. So, yeah, very happy to have finished with a par after not hitting a great tee shot again. From what I've heard actually it might sound like we might be able to have a 72-hole tournament so, yeah, really big moment.

Q. I think right at the moment you're five back from Nelly who is playing 18 now. So that's I guess it's kind of doable isn't it in the right circumstances?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I mean she's the one that probably has the most pressure, been leading the tournament for the last couple days and she obviously had a great round yesterday and it is hard to back it up. So I'm just really happy that I managed to shoot under par again after a 6-under and yeah hopefully I can keep the momentum into one more round.

Q. You had a good day with the putter today. You were scrambling a bit early and it saved you a few times. When you started to hit some greens you made some birdies as well.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, no, I mean it's really nice, the greens here are perfect and I actually find them quite easy to read. I'm not sure if that's because I've come from a slightly slower greens back in Perth, but, yeah, they're really perfect and I feel like once one drops it just gives you a huge amount of confidence. So I think when I made the putt on the first hole, yeah, it was nice momentum. So hopefully I can continue to do that and also hit some more greens.

Q. Are they a little bit slower than you're used to?

HANNAH GREEN: I think they're really nice. I think uphill is quite slow and especially when you get to the back nine there's a few tiers. I think it's quite hard to judge those after having like a lot of flat putts. But they're definitely not -- I don't feel like they're as quick in the afternoon. There's quite a lot of spike marks created and obviously the heat as well. So they're still really good greens. I would say one of the best we play all year.

Q. I notice you're wearing the vest walking down 18. How did you find the heat today?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I mean I didn't feel too bad. I think the worst that I felt it was probably on the 15th tee, you're kind of at the bottom of the hill there and there's not too much of a breeze. But it's more just a preventable thing. I want to make sure that I make it tomorrow. I feel like every day I've been wearing it thinking about the rest of the week, not necessarily in the moment. So we still have 18 more holes and who knows what the weather will be like tomorrow. If there is some rain it could be really sticky and really hot. So I need to look after myself today.

Q. How many bottles of water do you have to drink on a day like that?

HANNAH GREEN: I don't know how many I've had. I've obviously had the slushies, nearly every opportunity that I can and possibly six or seven bottles, which is probably still not even enough. So that's what I'll be doing right now.

Q. Assuming you do get out there tomorrow, what do you think you need to do better, maybe drive the ball better or what's in your mind?

HANNAH GREEN: I just want to try and play as boring of golf as possible. I want to hit fairway, every fairway and hit every green and give myself the best opportunity to make birdie. I think my greens in regulation has gone up since the first round, I mean I would hope so, since I only hit eight the first day. But, he yeah like I think I looked at the stats with Nelly and she's hit nearly 90 percent of the greens the first two rounds. So if you can do that I think you've got a pretty good shot at going low and jumping up the leaderboard.

Q. Would you have a number in mind?

HANNAH GREEN: I think I'm going to have to probably shoot something similar to what I did the last couple days, especially with Nelly, she hits it so long and she has some good opportunities for her coming in late, so I think, yeah, five or 6-under for me could possibly get me a podium finish. But I'm not going to think about it too much. I just want to try and post another good number and see what happens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111216-1-1044 2021-08-07 02:50:00 GMT

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