Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice bounce back today. Sort of recap the round and just the tournament in general.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, no, it's really nice to finish at 4-under for the event to get it under par. Going into today I wanted to get it under par and climb up as much as I could and so it was nice. I made an eagle on my I guess 5th hole of the day, good way to start and then was able to make a few quick birdies after that. So it was nice and when I needed to get up-and-down a couple times I was able to do it for the most part, only a few dropped shots. So overall I feel like my game's in a better place today than it was at the start of the week, which is all you can really ask for. Keep on improving every day and I'm excited and looking forward to the British in a couple weeks.

Q. We talked about sort of COVID adjustments and being away from home and with you being away from home kind of being separated from your dad who is your coach, how do you make some of these week-to-week adjustments when maybe you don't get that direct touch point as maybe you would pre-COVID?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it has been much more difficult this past year traveling without both my parents and my dad who is my coach, just having his support, especially on as you mentioned look these tough weeks, to have him point me in the right direction right away. But he's been great and so has my mom, keeping in touch, via FaceTime and e-mail. He's watching the coverage all through the night and gives me hints of what other players are doing and how they're succeeding. So even though they're not here they're definitely trying to help as much as they can and I'm looking forward to whenever I do get to see them again.

Q. The Olympics are all about inspiring kids, getting kids out and playing. We're very fortunate in golf with a lot of people are playing, especially right now, golf has really taken off. Maybe just a message for the people who have taken up the game, people who are avid about the game, kids that are playing, just send us off with a bit of a message for some kids back home.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, I'm really excited to be a two-time Olympian and to be able to compete here this week. Although it didn't go as well as I would have liked just having the opportunity to be here with the best athletes in the world I'm inspired and so hopefully the young boys and girls watching back home and really people of all ages hopefully they can take something away from these last two weeks this incredible Olympic experience and hopefully the game of golf grows. I feel like playing in the Olympics for golf is like huge, just such a big stage and I feel like it reaches a lot more people, which is really exciting and hopefully the future is bright for Canadian golf and all around the world.

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