Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Xiyu Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice finish. What do you take away from the week here in Tokyo?

XIYU LIN: I think there's a lot of positives because of the pandemic and our China Olympic Committee's quarantine policy, like I haven't been playing tournaments for six, seven weeks. And when I was entering this week I really have no clue what I'm doing, how I'm doing, how I'm going to feel like, so I mean this week there's so many things I done really, really well and the only thing that I think is missing is definitely the performance on the green. But, I mean, in general I think hopefully I'll finish in the top-10, like any week if I can finish top-10 it's a big compliment for me.

Q. Has the experience of competing in your second Olympic games, does it feel different from a regular LPGA Tour event to you?

XIYU LIN: I mean it does a little bit because I'm entering the tournament wishing to be able to get a medal. So that's a little extra pressure because we only have one start every four years. So that's one thing, but, I mean unfortunately with the pandemic this year we didn't have any crowds, so that's a little bit -- because I know women's golf is huge in Japan, so that's a little unfortunate. Good thing is it doesn't make me that nervous but it makes the game not that exciting. But in general I still had a great week here and the course is amazing and then playing -- I mean most of the players are all the buddies on Tour, so like playing partner-wise I don't feel a whole lot of difference.

Q. Paris is just three years away. Is that going to be something that you're going to be focusing on? I know there's still three years to go but trying to get back to the third Olympic games and maybe try to medal it finally for China?

XIYU LIN: For sure. I mean, actually, the process that I got myself into Tokyo really gave me lots of confidence, because I would say two years ago I wasn't even close to being on the team and then this year because of some really key performances I end up making myself participating in this tournament. So I think it gave me lots of confidence and obviously I will be very looking forward to representing China again in Paris and before that also really looking forward to some break through for myself on LPGA Tour.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111219-1-1044 2021-08-07 03:27:00 GMT

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