Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Alena Sharp

Quick Quotes

Q. Recap your round today, obviously not the finish that you wanted, you hit it well, and a great finish for the tournament, you but just sort of recap your round and the tournament overall.

ALENA SHARP: I feel like I had good prep coming in and I don't know, I think exhaustion's hit me. I played a lot of golf this year and haven't had a lot of breaks and just trying too hard and I think I played steady all week, couple -- like there's a few holes obviously that I made some high numbers, but a lot of pars, just not a lot of birdies. Rolled a lot of good putts, they didn't go in, but that's golf. One week they go in, the next week they don't.

Q. Do you find now sort of two games in figuring out the format and figuring out how to play this format to sort of maximize your own performance, is there a strategy to it? Like is it get out early, be aggressive? I know we talked about being aggressive. Versus letting it come to you. After having gone through two of them now what's the strategy?

ALENA SHARP: I think to medal you just need to get a good start on the first round. Like you don't want to be behind the eight ball, there's too many good players. So I think the first round is important to get a good round under your belt, 4-, 5-under it seems like, depending on the golf course, obviously. And then you can readjust your strategy each day.

Q. With some of the weather that potentially might be coming in and maybe some of the advance advisories that they put out for the players do you think that changed any of the game strategy at all thinking, hey, we might be or may not be sort of tied to a 72 versus 54-hole tournament?

ALENA SHARP: It didn't change mine because I was out of it. But I would assume the people at the top they're almost playing like two Sunday rounds basically. Because you never know what was going to happen today. So it was kind of, it was probably in their mind yesterday like don't, like focus on every shot and think it's like it's the last round. I think that's probably tough and wearing on them, but it seems like they're handling it well today. I think it's just a lot of focus. You got to have a lot of focus to stay in there and stay competitive on these last two days.

Q. As an Olympian, two-time Olympian, you can't soak up as much as maybe in Rio, but when you sort of look back at it, the Olympics are all about inspiring kids, inspiring participation, we're very fortunate in Canada that a lot of people are playing the game of golf. This only helps to inspire more people. Maybe just a message for all the Canadians back home that are inspired by the game already and then just this as a kick start from an inspiration for participation.

ALENA SHARP: I think golf's an amazing game an amazing sport to play. Every day it's a challenge within yourself and I think it's great, it's a grit way to be out with your friends and get good exercise and then one day if you're keen and practice enough you make the Tour and then you get to represent your country. There's no better feeling.

Q. You are going to hit the closing ceremonies and get a little bit of that Olympic extra. Are you looking forward to that?

ALENA SHARP: I'm really looking going to the closing even though it's going to be scaled down compared to Rio, but I mean, it's a good way to finish.

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111220-1-1044 2021-08-07 03:32:00 GMT

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