Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Shanshan Feng

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you sum up this Olympics week this week, how was it?

SHANSHAN FENG: It was great. I have been waiting for so long for this to come. I thought it was going to happen last year during my birthday, but it was just one year later. And I waited and the good thing was I was still good enough to at least qualify for the team. So here I am and, yeah, I'm already, I already finished the whole tournament. I think, yes, I mean, I didn't have a great start, but I felt like the last three days I played like a champion, even though I was like really behind after the first round, but I think I really came back and there's no regret because this is golf, I mean you just have to, especially in the Olympics, I mean you have the best girls in the world playing. You just have to have four good days to be able to win a medal. So I think the girls on the top they deserve it. And I'm very happy to see actually like some new faces like some players that are not ranked like really high but they're all up there competing for the medal, I'm very happy to see that because we need some new faces from new countries. I played with Matilda and she's from Finland, I think she's an upcoming star. She's already won a tournament this year and she was great. But other than that, I hope that I can see more Chinese faces getting on the Tour and get on the top of the leaderboard and win tournaments.

Q. Are we thinking about retirement?

SHANSHAN FENG: Yeah, I don't know -- I wouldn't say I'm retired yet (laughing) I would like to play some more on the LPGA, just to give it like a conclusion or what do you call it?

Q. Send off?


Q. Finale? Swan song?

SHANSHAN FENG: Okay. Something like that. But I just don't feel like I want to do three times quarantine in this second half of the year, because I already did one before I came, I'm going to have another one like when I go back and if I go to CME, I'm going to come back and I will have to make another quarantine. So I think that might be a little too much, so I'm going to wait to see how the schedule is like in Asia next year maybe, so hopefully I'll come back and the best thing if I can play in China, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111221-1-1044 2021-08-07 03:53:00 GMT

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