Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Kelly Tan

Quick Quotes

Q. 29 on your back nine. Nice way to finish up your Olympics here?

KELLY TAN: Yeah, honestly I felt the same every day, I felt that I could do that, it's just that today the score reflected it and it's really great to see that deep down I felt that I was playing really well, just that the first two days it didn't show on my card but, yeah, it felt great to be able to just pull it off like that.

Q. Everyone wants to medal here, what do you take away from a week like this?

KELLY TAN: To be able to shoot 7-under at the Olympics on the final round I think that's something that I'll never forget. Shooting 29 on the back nine, that's something I haven't done in my career, so that's a positive for me as well. Yeah, I know I didn't get a medal, but I know that I fought hard and I played hard for my country and I'm really proud of the way I did and I bettered my position from the last Olympics and that's all that matters, so it's great to see those improvements.

Q. When you look back and are able to sort of like learn from certain things in certain rounds?

KELLY TAN: Absolutely. I think a lot of it for me is like I said, I felt really well, really good, but the first few days the score didn't show, so I remember in Rio I didn't have those feelings, so I'm always trying to tell myself to stay patient so here I was able to stay patient and thus far I was able to shoot that number today. So I think that's one thing that along the way I learned in my career to know that I have the game and know that I, as long as I stay patient the result will show. So that's really hard, but I'm glad it did.

Q. What's next for you now?

KELLY TAN: I have a few weeks off, so I look forward to my off weeks here because it's been a busy summer for me, so I look forward to my next few weeks off.

Q. Are you going to be in Asia?

KELLY TAN: No, I'm heading back to San Diego.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
111222-1-1044 2021-08-07 03:55:00 GMT

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