Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Minjee Lee

Quick Quotes

Q. Did you take anything away from that looking forward to Scotland?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, no, it was fun. I had a fun week, even though my scores weren't too good. But it's quite exciting. I'm going to go and watch hadn't in a now, so.

Q. Obviously you got to reset pretty quickly heading to Scotland. Obviously not the Olympic campaign you would have been chasing a few days ago though. What were your emotions?

MINJEE LEE: Obviously I'm not -- I'm a little disappointed that I didn't perform better, but I still had a great week with everybody, so I'm just probably going to take my positives out of this week and then bring it to next week.

Q. What are some of the positives?

MINJEE LEE: I've been hitting the ball really good and putting it good, I think mentally I wasn't quite like focused to my sharpest, so maybe just have some rest when I get to Scotland and try and reset in those couple days and try and bring out my game, I guess.

Q. It has been a pretty emotional couple weeks for you, obviously with the win at Evian as well. Do you think that's part of it as well or maybe those expectations, a lot of people thought as well that you would come in and --

MINJEE LEE: Well I think I put the most expectation on my self every week, but you know, after -- like Evian was like my last event of three weeks of travel and I have just been everywhere, it's just been like a really hectic travel schedule for me. So I was bound to be tired. But I didn't really think it was going to hit me as hard as it did and I think it with it being hot it maybe was a little bit extra.

Q. Talk us through the eagle.

MINJEE LEE: Oh, yeah, actually it was pretty good. I hit 5-iron on the green because the tees were up and I holed this like wiggly putt from the left side of the green, because the pin was on the back right. So, no, that was kind of fun.

Q. I think it was 16 bogeys all up, is that -- sorry to throw that number at you -- obviously the eagle and everything. When we spoke on the first day even, you know, you had the golf in you to shoot a low score, was it just frustrating it never really came?

MINJEE LEE: Well I finished 4-under, which means I had 20 birdies, right? And 16 bogeys -- well not 20. I made an eagle. But still that's a pretty good number. Billy was just saying on the last hole, We made a lot of birdies. But I made too many bogeys. And we just laughed. But, yeah, you know, like just made too many soft mistakes out there for -- I had a lot of bogeys. So, yeah, if I eliminate those obviously I would have had a chance but every week is different and it's golf.

Q. There's always Paris as well. Will you think about Paris much? It's only three years away?

MINJEE LEE: Oh, true. Hopefully I make it to Paris.

Q. What's it like to put on these colors and represent the country like you did?

MINJEE LEE: I'm really humbled to be in these colors. It's not many times you get to wear the green and the gold. I know I'm always representing Australia in every event that I play, but this is just a little bit different, I think.

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