Women’s Olympic Golf Competition

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Saitama City, Saitama, Japan

Kasumigaseki Country Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. What's your reflection on that, it seemed like it was really close there at one or two stages.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I mean obviously at the start of the day I was trying to win a gold medal and my first couple hours on the golf course things weren't going well and I was scrambling really hard. So I think to be even in contention come the last couple holes really proud of myself for how I hung in there and didn't get too down on myself and tried to think of the bigger picture I guess and being so lucky that we even have an Olympics to compete in.

Q. The back nine you played it well all week and it was, you played great again. Just couldn't quite -- we talked about sinking those putts on the 18th. Walk me through that back nine like when you got that first birdie and then obviously the eagle as well, did you start to believe?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, absolutely. I felt like with nine holes to go that I was nowhere near it so when I made the putt on 10 I think it was really important for my confidence and then gave myself really good opportunities and I felt like I putted really solid from inside 10 feet and around 10 feet this week. So I knew there was a good chance, if anything it's your stroke that is going to cause you to miss it, the greens are really easy to read and they're rolling so nice. So I felt very confident but I think the eagle putt on 14 really was when like oh, okay, maybe I am in contention. So super happy to have birdied 15 and 16, but I felt like I made almost a bogey on 17 not birdieing that hole. Didn't hit a great tee shot, probably the worst tee shot I hit all week, so it was a little bit disappointing, but I still had a birdie putt so I felt like if I didn't have the delay I probably could have holed it and then again on the last I just misread it. So there's lots of positives out of today, I can't dwell on making a bogey on 18. I have to think about where I come from on the back nine.

Q. What was it like on the 17th after the resumption, having all six of you, everyone watching?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah it was a little strange actually I guess I never really had that position, especially since we called up the group behind. But I guess I was a little bit more cautious of everyone's lines. But it was probably the only putt today where I wasn't really sure on the read, I even pulled my caddie in which I don't often do unless I'm confused so I feel like I probably didn't put my best stroke on it but it still had an opportunity to go in. So I'm happy about that. But I felt like because I had such good momentum that the delay kind of hurt me a little bit. But that's what happens and I'm grateful we even got to get today's round in.

Q. (No Microphone.)

HANNAH GREEN: Honestly, I had no idea what was going on, I didn't look at the radar at all this week. I felt we were very lucky to really only have one delay. But, yeah, I mean I guess no matter what you do it's such a hard position for the rules officials to be in, obviously they want the safety of not only the players but every volunteer that's out on the golf course, so it is a tough decision and even if there wasn't any lightning I guess they had to do that.

Q. Did you spend the hour on the putting green?

HANNAH GREEN: I had a little bit of lunch and then I rolled a few putts just downhill just because I did have a downhill putt on 17. I wanted to see if the greens had gotten any slower because I didn't know I didn't see if there was rain or not. So they were a little bit slower and a bit more receptive, but I was surprised we actually had the opportunity to practice. Normally when we play out on LPGA Tour events maybe if it's an hour delay then you get to have warm-up usually if it is less than an hour you just go straight back to your ball. So I don't know if it was beneficial that I went and hit putts or not, we'll see.

Q. Did your energy drop quite a bit because you had such fantastic momentum?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, definitely, I think it was hard to pump myself back up again. I felt like I was on Cloud 9 for those five holes so, yeah, it was definitely hard to go back and rest and then come back out again.

Q. Scotland?


Q. You talked about I guess the rust at the start of this year and now obviously you played some great golf to finish, can you take that into next week?

HANNAH GREEN: Absolutely. I really would have loved to scratch that first round off and see maybe play another one tomorrow, but yeah I'm super excited for Scottish and British Open. I am half Scottish so I'm actually going to have some family out there watching so that will be really nice to see them. I've not seen them for a couple years. But yeah two events that I find very important and I really like links golf. I haven't looked at the forecast so I hope there's not too much rain, but I have been in Perth for the last few weeks and it's been raining so maybe I'll have a little advantage in that way.

Q. Jessica and the kind of run or sorry, Nelly the run she's been on this year?

HANNAH GREEN: It's amazing. Yeah, I mean even when she was about possibly shooting 59 I'm not surprised, as soon as she gets that ball rolling on the green it's pretty easy for her to make birdies. So it's amazing, four wins already this year and really only halfway in the season. So it's very inspiring and I'm sure that the U.S. team are very proud of her.

Q. Has the Olympic bug bitten you?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, definitely I'm definitely striving to make Paris. I didn't really think too much of it but I guess it is only a few years away, so hopefully I can keep continuing to play well in LPGA and do my job that way.

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