LIV Golf Mayakoba

Sunday, 4 February, 2024

Mayakoba, Mexico

El CamaleĆ³n Golf Course

Legion XIII GC

Jon Rahm

Tyrrell Hatton

Caleb Surratt

Kieran Vincent

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome, everybody, Legion XIII. Jon, how does it feel?

JON RAHM: It feels great. It's very nice in a day in which in any normal tournament I probably would have been upset at my finish to actually have something to celebrate, and that is one of the big reasons why I decided to transition, to share the stage with those three guys, to share the golf course with all the other teams and compete for something else is what it's all about. It means a lot.

It's really fun to be out there on the golf course and see the team doing well, right. First time I was able to see any scores was on 12, and by that point, Tyrrell was already 7-under, and the other guys were also doing great work. We had a comfortable lead, and that also motivated me to play a little bit better.

You can definitely use all the variables going to your advantage. It was definitely a lot of fun. Proud of those guys, honestly, how they battled.

We all come out here pretty much as rookies. I know Kieran played one or two rounds for Team Smash last year, and he knew a little bit about what to expect, but three of us didn't. For us to do what we did and perform and get the win, I'm glad that we proved it to ourselves and everybody that we're a team to reckon with.

Q. Tyrrell, you had a lights-out day today. Was it motivating knowing all four scores counted?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, definitely. It was motivating to go out there and know that you're playing for three other guys today. Fortunately for me I got off to a nice start, and it was nice to actually see some putts go in compared to the previous round.

Yeah, very happy with how I played, and the fact that we've won in our first week out together is great. Obviously looking forward to the rest of the year now?

Q. Caleb, you had an incredible bounce-back today. You showed grit and determination. What was going through your head throughout the round today?

CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, I was just -- we sat in this room four days ago and Jon was explaining our team logo and what our big purpose was, and that's just fighting. I can honestly say without that fight and without countless other fights from all four of us throughout these past three days, we wouldn't be standing here. I believe that's what champions are made of, and I think that is what is going to make us continue to be a really strong team, just the fact that we all fight back from everything that comes, and that's what I did, and I was really pleased with that finish.

Q. In your first professional start, I think you pretty much beat half the field. How does that feel?

CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, it was definitely a good finish. It's tough because there's a lot of unknowns going into the week and there's a lot of doubts, and there's some stuff running through my mind. But it's just cool to come out here and compete with truly a lot of the best players in the world.

I feel like I'm learning the same stuff that used to work still works. It's just golf. I'm just happy to be here, and I'm excited for the rest of the year.

Q. Kieran, how often today were you guys checking the team leaderboard and seeing where you guys were at, and when did you know that you guys had secured the victory?

KIERAN VINCENT: I'm not really a leaderboard follower or looker, so I try and avoid it as best as I can, but my peripheral got the better of me today, so I kept peeking at it every now and again like oh, I shouldn't be doing that. Obviously it was nice to see a little bit of pink on top, and I saw it a couple times throughout the round, and I was like, I know my score is average right now, so the guys must be playing good, and I kept looking every now and then, and it kept going, so it was good.

JON RAHM: I'm the opposite to Kieran. I look at every leaderboard I can. I like to know where I stand. I like to know the score. There's always information on the leaderboard that can motivate me. Unfortunately I never saw the team score until 12. That was the first time I saw it. It was a surprise, to be honest. At that point I was still even par struggling throughout the day, and kind of like I said earlier, seeing that, I think at that point we were 21-under, it was a very motivating factor. It kind of helped me make a clutch four-footer to then go on that birdie streak I went on.

I tried to look as much as I can, just didn't happen.

Q. Tyrrell, did you take a glance and look at Legion XIII's standing?

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, I quite looking at leaderboards, too, to be honest. It's motivating for me to know what I need to try and do. Yeah, every leaderboard I saw, it was nice to see that Legion XIII were at the top. I know we had a healthy lead at one point, but with all four scores counting, anything can sort of happen. It was nice that we finished off in style.

Q. How was your first podium celebration?

CALEB SURRATT: It was different. I said coming into the week standing right here if we were to win I don't know that I could do the champagne because I'm under age.

Q. Not in Mexico.

CALEB SURRATT: Maybe in a few years. I was just happy to hold the trophy.

Q. Tyrrell, how was your first podium celebration?

TYRRELL HATTON: An absolute shocker. I said to the lads at the back, just don't spray it in each other's face. Don't do it.

JON RAHM: He sprayed me in my face, don't worry.

TYRRELL HATTON: I've already got my champagne ready and I just stood there and the cork went off, so I had to get another one, and then I couldn't undo it, so I've just stood there at the back. Everyone has like sprayed their champagne, so I was looking like an idiot at the back, and then eventually I did get it off and just sprayed everyone in the face anyway.

Q. Jon, how was your first podium celebration?

JON RAHM: That always happens to somebody, Tyrrell.

It was great. It was great. I had to be careful because Caleb was right next to me so I didn't want to overdo it with him. After I got Tyrrell while he was trying to uncork his and I believe I got Kieran in the face, I think I did a good number on Caleb. I was very conscious not to do it towards his face or mouth because he's never drank before, so I'm really trying not to. I think some of the splash must have probably got his first taste of alcohol, which maybe there's a reason to do it. A team win is definitely a good reason.

KIERAN VINCENT: Obviously I was laughing at Tyrrell the whole time. I thought that was entertaining. But obviously one to the eye, Tyrrell not popping it, so I think we've got some champagne practice to get going.

JON RAHM: I don't think we'll ever get good at it.

Q. Jon, early in the week you told us you weren't sure just how quickly you guys would get out of the gate as a team. Is it surprising at all? Are you ahead of schedule? When you got into it, did you feel like we can do it this week, the first week out?

JON RAHM: Well, it's hard to know what to expect. I think we all had probably our certain reserves for the week. It's different to any competition we've been in before. There's a lot to adapt to.

I think we have to get through that to then think about winning, but clearly, I don't think these three guys had the best first two days, but they showed it today. The fact that we were in contention, I knew today was definitely a day where we could get it done.

I wouldn't say we're ahead of schedule. The goal it to win. I'd like to think everybody in this interview right now, anytime they tee it up, they want to win. That's the whole point of being here.

Kind of like what Caleb said, that's the whole point of the logo and the whole point of the name behind it. I would say we're right on schedule. Hopefully we can keep doing it.

Q. Did you have a motivational video again?

JON RAHM: No, it was a picture that I know Tyrrell has seen many times.


JON RAHM: It was a Seve quote but I don't know if Caleb and Kieran had seen it before, so I thought it was fitting to use that one. He definitely saw it in the Ryder Cup, Tyrrell. It was on the wall in the locker room. I'm glad that it helped if it did.

Q. What did it say?

JON RAHM: I'd rather not share.

Q. Caleb, just going back to the fight you were talking about, you come off the triple, and then you wheel off five straight birdies. What was going on in your mind as you walked off that green? You still had obviously a few holes left.

CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, look, there's kind of two pieces. One piece is that I've never been a leaderboard watcher, and I tried to fight it the front nine, and eventually you can't hide from it, so I feel like I really learned to embrace it and just kind of embraced it. This is where I am. Embrace what has to be done.

Also there was a quote that I kept telling myself all day and it was just like, I will not be shaken. Just one quick little one liner, and I told my caddie. I let my guard down early, and I was being shaken because I was playing so well, and I let my guard down, and then I had a couple rough holes. Then I told myself after that triple that I'm not going to be shaken from anything that happens.

I put my head down and played. I wasn't shooken by anything on the way in. I'm proud of that, and I think I'm going to keep that quote in my mind for a long time.

Q. Tyrrell, is this what you expected once you made the decision to join LIV, this kind of week, this kind of celebration, the team aspect, all that?

TYRRELL HATTON: Well, I mean, I didn't know what to expect. For all of us, these are new experiences. I really enjoyed the week, and winning as a team is good fun, and hopefully we can keep that going.

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