LIV Golf Las Vegas

Thursday, 8 February, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Las Vegas Country Club

Smash GC

Jason Kokrak

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Let's welcome Jason Kokrak from Smash GC. You had an awesome day, 5-under, shot 65. Tell us a little bit about your round.

JASON KOKRAK: Yeah, hit the driver in the fairway. Obviously that's a big key around this place. It can have some tucked pins. Started off really nice. Made quite a long putt on the par-3, 16. Hit two quality shots into 17.

I played solid. I hit a really good shot out of the fairway bunker on 18, which was huge for me, because that's a tough shot.

One other up-and-down that was key, but the rest of the day was pretty solid.

Q. The leaderboard is so tight, so packed, so many guys in contention. You're currently T3. What do you have to do tomorrow to maintain the momentum and break out away from the pack?

JASON KOKRAK: Well, I think this is one of those golf courses if you can get into a pretty good rhythm, you'll make some birdies out there. Obviously hitting some quality short iron shots, there's quite a few out here.

I think if you're the right side of the hole, giving yourself a pretty straight putt here, you can get a lot of little subtle bumps and curves and whatnot around this golf course. But if you play solid, put it in the fairways, you're going to give yourself a lot of opportunities.

Q. Smash is currently tied for third. Everyone had a pretty good round today. Brooks' score is the one that didn't count, if that tells you anything. Do you have anything you're doing together as a team this week to get that first Smash victory with the new team?

JASON KOKRAK: Well, the rest of the boys are staying downtown on the strip. I'm staying with my swing coach off the strip to stay away from the amenities.

But nonetheless, we spent quite a bit of time last week shooting the you-know-what and hanging out, so I think we enjoyed ourselves, enjoyed the new team, the new squad. This week I think we're a little more comfortable, knocked the rust off, and hit the ground running.

Q. With two new faces on the team with Taylor and G-Mac has that changed the dynamic and how are you guys all vibing together?

JASON KOKRAK: Really well. I've known G-Mac for a long time. I've known Brooks for a long time. Talor has been a long time friend, too. I think we're all on the same page. I think we all get along really well and take care of our business, and I think that's what meshes well on the team.

Q. Paul said earlier that he's actually surprised that 7-under is leading. Are you surprised that maybe the scores weren't a little bit lower?

JASON KOKRAK: Not really, just because of how soft the greens are with the rain. I think obviously playing the ball in hand with no mud was a huge thing. Anytime we get ball in hand, place the lie with soft greens, you're going to have a guy shoot 6, 7-, 8-under par. I thought a good quality score around this golf course with how tight it is, 4-under would be a solid round, and I got it in on 5, so I'm pleased with my round. 36 more holes to go, and fairways and greens, make a few putts.

Q. Are you thinking 15 or maybe even better might be a target score?

JASON KOKRAK: I think if you can get it to 15 early, we'll see what happens. Obviously with 18 being a tough tee ball, tough second shot, I'm guessing the pin is going to be back right or back left near the water, so anything can happen.

Just pick your battles, plot yourself around this golf course. There's a lot of different clubs you can hit off the tees. You can play aggressive. You can play not aggressive. It just depends on how you're feeling.

Q. Having grown up in Ohio, I assume weather like this is like no big deal for you.

JASON KOKRAK: All my buddies at home are playing golf today, too. I think it's warmer there than it is here. I spent a whole heck of a lot of time here at this golf course growing up. My aunt and uncle live on the golf course, so I've spent quite a bit of time here.

I know the golf course fairly well. They made some changes 10 or 15 years ago, but definitely remember most of the golf course.

Q. What part of the course do they live on?

JASON KOKRAK: Well, they flipped the nines, so the real way it plays, they live right off of like 3, 4, right there, so I guess it would be 12, 13.

Q. Did you feel like that might be a pretty nice advantage for you coming into this week? Obviously a lot of guys weren't familiar with it.

JASON KOKRAK: With being a short week, flying over here and a Saturday finish, I think that gave me a little bit of reprieve because I knew the golf course. I knew once I got out here, I'd remember most of the holes.

Obviously once you get to the green there are a couple new tee boxes here and there with the change to No. 9 to a par-4. I just remember this golf course with 9 and 18 as par-5s. A little bit of a change, but not a whole lot.

I feel comfortable here in Vegas. I got my first win here in Las Vegas at Shadow Creek, so very comfortable here.

Q. You've already talked about it quite a bit, but what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Las Vegas Country Club?

JASON KOKRAK: I mean, you're five minutes from the strip. This place is very old school. I remember all the celebrities that used to be around this place and the highrises around this area.

Unfortunately it hasn't taken to the rest of the strip like this place has, but it's a good quality, old-school golf course, and I kind of like that shot-shaping ability around a place like this.

Obviously growing up here, spending Christmastime and a few other times throughout the year as a kid, I think that gives me a pretty good advantage.

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