LIV Golf Las Vegas

Saturday, 10 February, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Las Vegas Country Club

4Aces GC

Dustin Johnson

TV Quick Quotes

Q. DJ, to win this early in the season against this field with that second shot on the last, this has to be really special, even with what you've achieved in your career.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: Yeah, it's a great win, and obviously today was tough. I knew it was going to be tough obviously with the conditions. But a lot of really good players were right around the lead. I knew I was going to have to play well if I wanted to win. Obviously making a clutch birdie there on 17 to give me a one-shot lead, then obviously did a great job at 18 and just had the two-putt for the victory.

Tough day; got off to a little bit of a rocky start. I was hitting really good shots, they were just ending up in poor spots. I was hitting the shots I wanted to, I just was not playing the wind right.

Q. What was your mindset when you saw the conditions? You just had to grind.

DUSTIN JOHNSON: You knew it was going to be a grind from start to finish.

Q. Is this going to be another vintage DJ year? You're the big dog again do you think?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: We'll see. It's getting off to a good start so far.

Q. Who's going to win the Super Bowl?

DUSTIN JOHNSON: I don't know. I think it's going to be a really good game. I haven't picked one yet.

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