THE MODERATOR: Please welcome the captain of Legion XIII, Jon Rahm, and Tyrrell Hatton. You guys both are playing absolutely incredible. Tyrrell, you shot 5-under today. You're currently sitting at 11-under, T4. Tell us a little bit about your round.
TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, it was a pretty solid round of golf, to be honest. I gave myself plenty of opportunities. It was nice to see a few putts go in. But ultimately a few dropped shots, as well, which is kind of disappointing. But hopefully we don't have any of those tomorrow and we can go out and have a good day.
Q. Jon, I want to hear about your round, but first I want to point out that Legion XIII is currently sitting at 42-under. Torque is behind you at 31-under. Legion is absolutely crushing is it this week. How proud are you of your team and any commentary on that?
JON RAHM: Extremely proud. I don't know what else to add to that. Obviously yesterday was a fantastic start, and it didn't take very long today, either, for the whole team to get going. I think it really worked, as well, that Tyrrell and Tom played together and Caleb was in front of them and I was in front of them. We always had the same holes to go, so we could kind of get an idea of what everybody might shoot.
As far as what I was doing, just motivating when I see them making birdies behind me and knowing that I can possibly join. Yeah, it's incredible.
What to say? Caleb definitely likes this golf course, almost won in December and definitely gave himself a chance this week, putting himself up there again.
No surprise that Tyrrell is playing good. I don't think that's a shock to anyone at this point. Also very happy to have Tom on the team to be playing fantastic, as well.
Again, as good as this is, I wouldn't expect for the four of us to be in the top 7 every single week, but like I said yesterday and earlier, I think the format of the four scores counting will benefit us in the long run, and so far it has.
Q. Tyrrell, I got to talk to the guys yesterday but haven't talked to you yet about your experience with night golf. Obviously you like it because you're playing really well, but can you give us a little rundown on your experience so far, any challenges, anything unexpected?
TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, it has its moments where it's pretty challenging. There's times where it's quite hard to see the back of the ball and judging the lie and how that's going to come out. Sometimes maybe in daylight you might read it coming out as a flier, and at nighttime it's a little bit harder.
But I think ultimately we've adjusted to it pretty well. I think the fact that the scoring is so low shows that everyone is able to get on with it just fine.
I think it looks good on TV. I don't know how it's gone down on social media. I don't have that on my phone. But I'd like to think it's positive.
Q. Heading into tomorrow, literally anyone on your team could take home the individual trophy tomorrow because you guys are all playing so well. You guys also have such a dominating lead on the team side of things. How do you feel tomorrow going into that, and do you think it's impossible for anyone to catch up to you tomorrow?
JON RAHM: Yeah, I mean, it's always possible. I'm not going to sit here and say no.
I think if we all focus on trying to win individually and give it the best shot we can to do that, I think we can put a strong enough performance where we'd be hard to catch. But we still have to go out there tomorrow and take care of it. Nothing is guaranteed until the last putt drops.
Q. Tyrrell, just wanted to ask you about Tom. Obviously you guys played together last month. What do you see in his game? How impressed are you with him?
TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, he's a fantastic player, and to be honest, he doesn't really look like he has any weaknesses. He drives the ball great, hits it a long way, looks very good with the wedges and rolls it nicely.
When you're consistent across all aspects of the game, you're going to be there or thereabouts. Yeah, he's a fantastic player. Like I said earlier, I think we all expect him to do pretty well out here. It'll take a little bit of time for him to get used to it with the warm-up situation on the range and finding a rhythm and being ready to go straight away when you get on the golf course, but so far he's dealt with that really well. I'm sure he'll go out tomorrow and put another good round of golf together.
Q. Jon, you guys obviously won your first event last year. How much did that help kind of quickly create team cohesion, and how important is that to get off to such a good start?
JON RAHM: I mean, I wouldn't know how to answer it, right, because it was so different to what it is now. Tyrrell and I obviously knew each other, and I knew Caleb a little bit, had barely spoken to Kieran before the week started.
It was a very different feeling to what we have this week. I think Tyrrell, Caleb and I have spent a lot of time together. It was very easy to welcome a new player. There's a lot of dynamics that go into, say, the social aspect of things that it will be very easy for Tom to adapt to.
Winning, I think it has a lot more to do with our individual play. I played fantastic that day, Caleb had a great finish, Tyrrell had that final low round of the day, and Kieran playing good, as well. I think it's just more of a comfort towards your own personal game, and to be honest, we were quite clueless about what the process was, when somebody won as a team or not. There was an individual playoff. It was quite late. We didn't really know what to expect.
But I do think having done what we did last year and welcoming a new player, and if we were to go out there and have a good strong showing again and win, it could just be a way to start what I would hope would be a fantastic year.
I think it definitely gives us a head start.
Q. Which hole do you prefer during the nighttime?
JON RAHM: At night or day and night or --
Q. Favorite hole on the golf course.
JON RAHM: I haven't played it in the daytime, so I couldn't tell you. But I think the way it looks when you're on the tee with the atmosphere, the light show and the fountain, and I don't know if anybody caught the water -- what they did with the fountain on 18 and having graphics and having images actually making it look like a screen, I thought the 18th hole was pretty cool.
I may be slightly biased because I hit a great tee shot there today, but I think the 18th hole, just because of the way everything looks at night looks really, really cool.
TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, I've been sitting here trying to think what my favorite hole is the whole time. I'm always a fan of the 19th, personally. (Laughter.)
Q. Jon, the four of you are in the top 6; what is the reason why you guys are performing this well?
JON RAHM: You know, I know it's a team leaderboard but there's nothing we're doing actively to help each other. You're not allowed.
I think, again, we have four really talented players, and two of them are young, that a lot of people may not know about. But any one of us could have a good round and a good tournament and win any given week.
I think when we all start playing good and you see your teammates playing good, I think it can feed into you wanting to do well. It definitely motivates me. At one point when I was at 8 and I see Tyrrell at 12-under it definitely motivates me to try to get a few birdies out and try and catch up because at the same time we're competitive with each other. I want to beat them as much as they want to beat me. I think that ultimately plays into things a little bit.
But what it comes down to is not coincidence, but all four of us obviously having a really good week at the same time. There's no trick to it.
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