LIV Golf Hong Kong

Saturday, 9 March, 2024

Fanling, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Golf Club

Fireballs GC

Abraham Ancer

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Let's welcome Abe Ancer from the Fireballs GC. Abe, well played today, 8-under par 62, 15-under par total. You're leading at LIV Golf Hong Kong. Tell us about your round today.

ABRAHAM ANCER: Definitely very excited. I think it was very similar to the last round. I did what I wanted to do, keep it in the fairway and give myself chances. I feel like I hit the ball really nicely today and rolled it really good, as well.

No complaints. Super happy with the way I'm hitting the ball and with the way I'm rolling it, as well.

Q. Obviously the conditions out there were completely different to yesterday. Did that affect your approach at all in any way before you teed off this afternoon?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, I mean, it was definitely cloudy and we got maybe a sprinkle of rain, but it wasn't -- I think it played way different from yesterday. We had some wind, as well as yesterday. The firmness of the greens are relatively the same. So it looked different, but I think it played pretty similar.

I love this golf course. It's definitely a lot of fun. You've got to shape it both ways and hit some quality shots, which is always fun.

Q. You're leading by five going into the final round. Fireballs are also leading by three. What's the game plan going into Sunday?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Nothing is going to change. Mentality is going to be the same. I'm not going to be thinking I'm leading the tournament. I'm just going to go out there and stay in the present, go about my routine, and just keep doing the same thing. Try to focus on the shot that I've got in front of me. That's all I can do.

Q. Abe, zero bogeys. You only missed two greens, only missed four fairways through 36 holes. Is this as good a ball-striking 36 holes as you've had?

ABRAHAM ANCER: It's definitely been up there. I've had some rounds that I've felt the same sensations where you're really seeing the shots and you're on it and you're executing the shot exactly how you're picturing it. It's definitely up there for sure. I can't think maybe a couple of times where it felt that crisp and the shape of the shots is usually exactly what I'm envisioning.

Q. Did you feel like this was going to be one of those weeks? Did you have an inkling earlier in the week?

ABRAHAM ANCER: I feel like it started clicking last week. The second round I played really well. I hit the shots that I needed to hit, made some really good putts, as well, and that gave me some confidence. Sunday I didn't quite have everything there, but I finished with two good birdies there that I feel like that momentum kind of carried to this week. Hit the ball nicely, too, in the practice rounds, had some fun with the team. We had some nice matches that we always have before the tournament started, and played pretty well. So I just carried that momentum and am just having fun and seeing shots and just executing.

Q. You told us yesterday that your game plan was not to think this is a course for you, that you're trying to take the opposite effect. When you got here for the first time, there must have been a smile on your face?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Definitely, and it's a golf course that I've heard a lot about years prior, as well, with just some friends coming out and playing here in previous events. They always tell me, hey, you're going to really like that golf course.

Like I said, I tried not to picture it that way, but definitely it's a golf course that I truly enjoy.

Like I said, I like shaping shots. Even though I don't move the ball that much, I like seeing those kind of shots, and it's just fun. It's a fun golf course.

Q. It looks like you're going to be playing with Geno tomorrow; what's that going to be like having a teammate there also trying to chase you down whilst trying to win the team championship?

ABRAHAM ANCER: I think it's going to be great. It's still going to be super competitive. We're always trying to beat each other. Like I said, we play practice rounds, and we always have some sort of match going on, either Wolf, hammer, or two versus two, automatic one down. It's always something. We're extremely competitive. Spaniards are insanely competitive and fiery. It's always fun, and it gets pretty heated in those rounds. It's probably going to be a little more of the same, which is good.

Q. You had birdie opportunities on almost every hole that you were looking at. Which one really stood out, and which was one shot if you had to just point out which really pleased you the most?

ABRAHAM ANCER: I mean, I missed some short putts -- starting on the first hole, it was weird, I missed a really short one. But then I made some really long ones, as well. I'm definitely not complaining. Making that long putt on 11 was really nice, and that kind of kick-started a little bit of a birdie run that I had there on 11, 12, 13 and 14 if I'm not mistaken. I think that putt was really nice, seeing it go in from far away, and that gave me some confidence to make more in the upcoming holes.

Q. Five-shot lead going into the final day. I know you would like to have as much lead as possible, but how do you make sure that you don't golf course comfortable in the fact that you've got a five-shot lead with just 18 holes?

ABRAHAM ANCER: I've been there before. I think the tournament -- I think I'm going to be thinking a lot of the Australian Open. I think that was in 2018 or 2019. Going into the final round I had a five-shot lead, and I was not thinking about that, I was just going about my routine and staying in the moment and felt like I was chasing somebody, felt like I needed to make some birdies.

Obviously not going to play super aggressive. This is a golf course where you have to be in the fairway and position yourself. That's going to be my mentality. I'm not going to be thinking about the lead or where I'm at, just doing the same thing I've been doing these two days.

Q. You had chances on 17 and 18, and the one on 18 really seemed to just slip by. Can you talk us through that one?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, it's definitely one of the toughest tee balls we face here. I think it's a phenomenal finishing hole with the wind in and out of the left and being a little cool. You've got to hit a tremendous tee shot, a really good second shot, and obviously if you want to make birdie, you've got to hit a good putt.

I feel like I did that. My second shot was maybe a little bit farther right than I wanted to, but with that pin being so tucked to the left, you cannot miss on the left side. I was happy where it ended up, and I felt like that would have been a bonus if it went in. I hit a really good putt, and it just went barely around the hole.

Like I said, it would have been nice if it had gone in, but not too mad about it.

Q. On 11, how far was that putt?

ABRAHAM ANCER: It was pretty far. It felt like it was maybe 70 feet. I could be wrong, but it was probably 60 to -- in that range.

Q. The wind is much stronger and cooler than yesterday. Many players missed their birdies or hit their balls out of the fairway, and the wind tomorrow will be similar like today. How do you plan for this or solve this problem?

ABRAHAM ANCER: Yeah, I think just doing the same. We'll see how the weather is tomorrow. But my mentality is going to be about the same, keeping the ball in the fairway, making sure I hit the right club off the tee that gives me the best chance to be in the short grass, and just keep doing what I'm doing. It's going to be the mentality for tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141584-1-1002 2024-03-09 08:52:00 GMT

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