LIV Golf AndalucĂ­a

Sunday, 14 July, 2024

Sotogrande, Spain

Real Club Valderrama

Legion XIII

Tyrrell Hatton

Quick Quotes

Q. You had a good run.

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah. It's more frustrating in the end to miss the playoff by one. A few mis-hits on the back nine, which is easy to do around here, but I won't be too disappointed with that. But you always want more.

Q. Seems like it's a bit of fate with that team, that captain --

TYRRELL HATTON: Yeah, I felt pretty gutted for Lahiri. It was a bit awkward on the 18th green with the crowd because they wanted Sergio to win. Yeah, I mean, I think everyone thought it would be done there, and unfortunately for Lahiri and the Crushers, they ended up having to go into a playoff. That's definitely going to sting a lot for those guys. From my point of view, nice to have another good week going into the Open.

Q. Obviously this seems to bode well. You've played Troon well the last time you were there. You've got to be feeling as good as you've gone into the majors in recent years, right?

TYRRELL HATTON: No, I mean, I guess the one negative with this week is it's very different to what we're going to face next week at The Open. Hopefully down the line, it'll be a case of if we're playing a links course the week before, that would be nice. But you just go out there and try your best, and yeah, just try and take some momentum into it. We'll have a few days to get used to the conditions. Hopefully the forecast the change and it stays dry for the week. But yeah, I think that's all we can hope for at this moment.

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