LIV Golf Houston

Friday, 7 June, 2024

Houston, Texas, USA

Golf Club of Houston

Cleeks GC

Martin Kaymer

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Let's welcome Martin Kaymer, the captain of Cleeks GC. Martin, you are currently tied for first. You shot an incredible bogey-free 7-under. Tell us a little bit about your day.

MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, I would say I played very consistent. I didn't make many mistakes. A little bit off the tee that I wasn't that happy with, but my putting really made it up. I putted really well. I gave myself plenty of chances. I was happy with my iron game.

Overall I was just avoiding the big mistakes.

It's a golf course where you can score well if you putt well, and I think that was a key today. That was the biggest difference, that I really putted very solid.

Q. How did you and your caddie manage the heat out there today? It was absolutely brutal.

MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, usually you don't really pay attention to it because we are so used to it, but today surprised me. Also yesterday in the pro-am. But going back a few weeks, we played in Singapore, we played in Jeddah, so those are hot places. You just need to prepare a little bit different. You know what you're going to get into. Shouldn't spend too much time after the round on the range and instead rest. I think we did well but a few caddies struggled, so hopefully we can all get home and rest and be ready again for tomorrow.

Q. We were chatting outside how awesome it is you're getting hot right now heading into the U.S. Open. Talk about what kind of confidence this gives you this week in Houston but also heading into next week?

MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, I was playing well the last few events that I played. It all started in Hong Kong and then I was getting better and better. Little things need to be -- once they fall into place, then rounds like this can happen. I'm glad that I shot such a good round today. It gives me confidence going into tomorrow and into Sunday, and also moving forward, as you mentioned, the U.S. Open. Obviously it's a huge event on the schedule, especially on that golf course. It means a lot to me. Hopefully I can keep trending in that direction, and yeah, enjoy also the process.

Q. The Cleeks are playing amazing. You are tied with your teammate Adrian Meronk so you will be paired together tomorrow. Are you excited to be paired with him? Does that add a little extra competition?

MARTIN KAYMER: Not so much competition. I like his company. I think it's more about the energy in the group. If you play with guys that you enjoy being with, then obviously it helps the whole team, the group and you, the way you approach the day.

I played with Adrian a few times in the past. I like the way he plays golf. I'm glad that he did well today.

I think Kalle also had a decent day. The team is doing good. Hopefully we can take it into the weekend now.

Q. Martin, I think this is your lowest round relative to par at a LIV event. Did you feel like this was coming? Obviously you've been trending well. Did you feel like maybe this is as good as you've felt in the last -- since the wrist injury, I guess?

MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, definitely since my injury. I'm still not there where I would like to be, but it's all fairly consistent right now. The last two years it was such an inconsistency in my game, which is very difficult to play tournaments with. You don't know what you're going to get. You either need a good day on the greens, or if you hit a few fairways -- but your mindset is different. You don't even think about 5-, 6-, 7-under. Now I can think about it, and I believe that I can do it, and rounds like this obviously proves it that I can do it, and that helps a lot the process.

I'm healthy, I'm trending in the right direction, I'm playing good. But in golf, it can be so different tomorrow, that you don't shoot such a good score.

But the most important thing is that the game is in a much better place than it was the last three years I would say.

Q. Obviously talking about the Cleeks, too, I think this is the first time you've led after a round since Australia last year. I think you led after the first round. You see Blandy winning the Senior PGA Championship; obviously Adrian is a world-class player. Do you feel the team as a whole is feeling positivity out there?

MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, I think what Richard did a couple weeks ago really helped our team spirit again. We were really in a good place, but a win is such a -- it can make a big difference. Top 5s, top 10s, those are good results, but a win gets you to a whole 'nother level.

The way Richard is playing is inspiring. Even though on paper, I achieved more than Richard, the way he played over the last five years and the way he's handling himself and trying to get to his ultimate is very inspiring.

Adrian is a very hard worker. He doesn't really give up. He always wants to become better. And Kalle has I think underachieved still since he's out here. I wait a little bit for his breakthrough.

Q. Do you think the other teams need to watch out for you guys now? You're on their radar now?

MARTIN KAYMER: I think everybody has to watch for each other. They all have to watch out for each other because they're all solid teams. We are just trending right now, but that can change next week. That's the beauty about LIV. The competition became a lot better this year, and that is very enjoyable.

Q. I know that you play in a lot of climates all over the world, but talk about this Houston heat and how it affected your game out there. I know it's about 100 degrees out there. Tell me how you dealt with playing out there with the heat and humidity and how it affected you out there?

MARTIN KAYMER: Yeah, I guess you prepare a little bit different. You drink a lot before the round to fill up the tank as much as you can. You never really need to go to the restroom on the golf course. That says a lot. I probably drank one bottle of water every hole. Probably six, seven liters of water plus some amino acids and stuff like that. That's what you're going to get. This is what Houston provides right now, and I'm just glad that I'm healthy and fit enough to handle it.

I think this is a big difference when you have a healthy life and you try to stay fit and try to take the job very serious and not only the golf but also the outside of golf, trying to just have a healthy lifestyle, then weeks like this might maybe -- they're probably a little bit easier than for some of the other players.

Q. Bogey-free 7-under today. How good does it feel to play a bogey-free round as a professional? And emotions play such a big part of this game. With your win at Pinehurst in 2014 coming up next week, does that play a part in coming here this week and having some good vibes?

MARTIN KAYMER: I wish I would have your energy, man. No, but obviously bogey-free, that's great. That also shows me that -- tells me about the consistency of my game. Obviously I had a couple shaky holes here and there where you need to save par, but then you do.

Then thinking about Pinehurst, I always -- I'm never a fan when people say I try to prepare for this and this event. That's why I play here this week. That's what we did sometimes in the past. But we are here now, we are in Houston right now. I still have to play two more rounds, and then my mindset will go to Pinehurst.

Obviously it's very difficult not to think about it because it has been so positive for me, and I get requests playing practice rounds with certain guys who play maybe for the first time that want to see how I played it. I want to tell them what I think is the best way to play the golf course. But obviously the positivity from my win at the U.S. Open I will carry into next week for sure, and why wouldn't you.

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