The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Chella Choi

Quick Quotes

Q. Chella, what a way to finish your first round. How do you feel now that you got round one in?

CHELLA CHOI: This golf course really like long, but I didn't work with my dad last couple like 18 months. But my father help me starting this week, so he give my a lot of confidence. So he gave me a good yardage and putting is good so trying to make calm for me.

I played good today.

Q. And speaking of your father who hasn't caddied for you in a while, when did he come back to the states and how long has that process been?

CHELLA CHOI: Last Thursday. I called Tuesday, So can you come? Please help me like for swing and putting. So he gave me a lot of the confidence.

Q. And you had a week off. What did you do during the week off?

CHELLA CHOI: Work really hard, because last couple week I don't like my golf game, so he help me couple day and my game much better and confidence better.

Q. Did you eat a lot of good food and relax?

CHELLA CHOI: Last week, yes, because like off week staying home so I cook for myself in Korean food, so I really like it. Yeah.

Q. From a links standpoint and the firmness of the greens, this has a major championship feel to it. Of course except not having crowds. But looks like it could be a major championship venue. Is that a mindset you're entering?

CHELLA CHOI: Yeah, it's feel like major tournament, because when I hit a driver a lot of time hit fairway wood and hybrid. So I trying to, yeah, even I really like want to go to the pin, but I trying to think like I don't mean to go -- miss area.

So left or right, like if right side better I trying to go right side or pin. Yeah.

Q. And so could this is the second DriveOn championship that has been a very good golf course. You have to be pleased.

CHELLA CHOI: You know, beautiful weather and golf course shape and condition is really, really good. I feel like it's major tournament, and my father is here and I play here, I really trying to make enjoy it.

Q. So you got off to a fast start today with three birdies in your first four holes. What do you attribute that to?

CHELLA CHOI: Before tee off I think like back nine is a little hard, but I starting birdie No. 10 so I very exciting. Oh, I can make a birdie, I did make a birdie, so I try to make more calm down and I can do more trying to hit the pin. Yeah.

Q. What do you like most about this course when you first got here? It's a brand new venue to a lot of people out here this week.

CHELLA CHOI: It's brand new tournament so everybody like very same condition, right? So I trying to keep fairway and keep greens but it's really tough to hit the greens. So I trying to make -- don't want to go to bad area, so it was good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102689-1-1041 2020-10-22 17:23:00 GMT

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